Varun Dubey replied to the topic Remove from Favorites and Unsubscribe not working from Member's Forums in the forum Requests & Feedback 1 year, 2 months ago
@wingflap bbPress still contains old codes that need an update; tickets are already created at the bbPress Trac. As a temporary solution, you can rename slug from the bbPress setting for favorite as it conflicts with BuddyPress favorite slug and then try again.
Mathieu Viet replied to the topic Member Nav Menu Items for WP6 FSE in the forum Installing BuddyPress 1 year, 3 months ago
12.1.0 will be a minor release. There won’t be a 13.0.0 release just like the 13th floor often lacks in building. We’ll jump to 14.0.0 for our next major release.
How long will it take us to reach 14.0.0, it depends on the number of people who will contribute to it. 12.0.0 took us almost a year and 46 people contributed to it.
Active 1 month, 3 weeks ago