Ok I got it. sorry but see now that we use really a plugin called “notification” for this job.
Its a while ago when I made this installation. But would it be possible to send a email to users from the wordpress side without plugin to members?
I checked again our system and finaly we use WPUF only to bring the Posts into the frontend.
So what I called Job-offers is finaly a usualy post of wordpress.
Hi Thanks for your fast answer.
The Joboffers aer created by WP User Frontend and the custom fields with ACF. So you mean the notification get finelly not send by the BP notification system?
js minify was the keyword. The problem came from the plugin “Fast Velocity Minify” which I used minify the JS code. If I deactivate everything works fine.
Yes I deactivated wpuf plugin but remains the same issue. As well I tried different login plugins for bp but always the same issue, so I guess must something to be with bp.