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Forum Replies Created

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  • @wizard_clp


    Ok, it seems I had some database problems. I have innodb as the default database type, so when creating the forum tables, there was an error by a “TYPE = MYISAM” sentence in a table. The result was that the bb_posts table didn’t create, and so I couldn’t see the posts. As an advise, always check that the bb_press tables have been correctly created, they are: bb_topics, bb_term_taxonomy, bb_term_relationships, bb_terms, bb_posts, bb_meta and bb_forums.

    Hope it helps someone.



    I have tried all that and if I don’t manually add an auto_increment id to the bb_term_relationships table, I get the error “There was an error creating forum topic”. I cannot either see the topic details… I have no additional plugins installed and my permalink structure is the “Month and name” one. Also, my document root is “c:/xampp/htdocs/” and I have my installation in “c:/xampp/htdocs/www/wordpress”.



    Hello, I have installed Buddypress 1.2.8 in wordpress 3.1, and solved the forum topic creation error buy adding an auto_increment field to the bb_term_relationships table, as follows:

    id bigint(20) auto_increment

    It seems that the installation does not create the table with a primary auto_increment id field, and for me that was causing the problems. I am running a windows xp with xampp, working in localhost. Mysql version is 5.5.8 and php 5.x. The theme I am using is a custom one, located at wp-content/themes/

    Still, I cannot see each topic’s detail page when I click them. I am trying to fix this at the moment, any clues ?



    Hello qprints, if I understand, you could do something like:

    – Add a profile field called “Proffession” in the profile settings of buddypress.
    – And in your theme, depending on the value each user has on the “Proffession” field, enqueue a css that overwrites the default css and does what it needs. Example:

    // Get Profile Field value for the $user_id specified and the field name specified
    if ( xprofile_get_field_data( “Proffession” , $user_id) == “Engineer” ); {
    // Enqueue the css
    wp_enqueue_style (‘engineer-style’,’css/engineer.css’);

    Hope it helps…



    Hello, I am new in the site. It took me a while but I found a solution for the autocomplete feature, but the problem is that it can only be fixed changing a Buddypress core file, and that’s not the way. Anyway here is how I did it (found the code in this forum, don’t remember where exactly, so I am not the author of the code I am sharing, sorry about that). In the file “wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-messages/bp-messages-cssjs.php”:

    Line 37, the original code: ( Comment it )

    `var acfb =
    jQuery(“ul.first”).autoCompletefb({urlLookup:’root_domain . str_replace( ‘index.php’, ‘wp-load.php’, $_SERVER ) ?>’});`

    Paste this code right after the previous line:

    `var acfb = jQuery(“ul.first”).autoCompletefb(
    {urlLookup:’root_domain . ‘/wp-load.php’; ?>’}

    It works for me with the latest version of Buddypress (1.2.7) and with the Friends feature enabled. My question is if it would be possible to include this in the latest Buddypress version so the autocomplete feature works out-of-the-box. I thought it didn’t work for me because I was using a custom buddy theme, but I tested it on a clean install with the default theme and it is broken when you first install it. I think that this way it would work from scratch. Probably you have been already told about this, sorry If I am being repetitive, and thank you for reading !

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