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  • Thanks, have a look.

    Hi, I use WP 3.03+BP1.26, Each user can mark a rating for one article many times(If I willing, I can always click so that the article rating can reach +60). How to limit one user mark one rating for one article? Thanks.

    @Andrea_r, can `activity stream` add a `Favorite` counter? that the post owner can see how many peaple mark a Favorite in his post article?

    add one.

    Hi, I also notice this bug when I click my account -> groups -> my groups , then the creat button is display, I notice the url like: `http://site/wordpress/username/groups/`
    but if I remove the username `http://site/wordpress/groups/` I can see the creat button.
    Then, How to move the creat button to users page?

    I find it, in admin dashboard, buddypress setting -> Profile Field Setup.

    @Andrea_r, thanks, but I think it is also a little deffirent, BP must built a group first, and everyone has his own ‘timeline’ in twitter.
    @r-a-y, I clicked the, but the google tells me the link is bronken. Then I click the site Cached, and I see the page `BuddyPress Test Drive`, how to setup if there has a tutorial? is there everyone get one page like this? or still relay on creating a group?
    Thanks to all.

    Thanks, here it is.

    Thanks for pointed.

    Hello, still looking for help.

    Up, is there anyone can help me?

    I use the `<form action="” method=”post” target=”_self”>`

    Is the action path write correct?

    Hello, I find the method.

    Sorry. I lost paste some code. I forget use `backticks`.
    “ is under the path in wordpreewp-contentpluginsbuddypressbp-themesbp-default
    Now I want include some one from the path wordpresswp-contentthemesmythemename.
    How to write correctly? Thanks.

    and can I move the index.php into a new folder under the theme parent folder?
    If can, which files should be edited?
    In any case, I still want to try to divide a page into several parts… If there has some codes support…
    Thanks again.

    Yes, I copy the theme for a new to edit.
    Is the homepage’s name called: main index templete?

    Thanks, I’ll check the tutorial.

    thanks, friends, i will read the tutorial. this is a wonderful software.

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