14 years, 11 months ago
I downloaded my BP 1.2 right off the blog Andy posted. I opened it and could not find “Trunk” in there. Im just learning how to do installs so I have no idea why it will not activate, it could be something very simple I’m overlooking.
I started a thread with my specific problem which was a error while activating Beta 1.2 installed on standard WP 2.9.1,
“The plugin does not have a valid header.”
This thread was started in a effort to find more general information about installing for people new to buddypress.
9 hours and no simple answer? Is anyone even reading this forum that knows whats going on?
Anybody have any ideas?
How would I check that?
It will not activate after its installed, you just get this on a otherwise blank page and it acts like Buddypress does not exist.