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1.1 rc and r1964 – Page Not Found for Blog Members Groups and Forums

  • lostdeviant


    I tried on 1.1rc and r1964 today and both times using the theme provided by buddypress the blog, members, groups, and forums links do not work. They just give a ” page not found” error in the main content and the sidebar widgets load.

    I’m using wordpress MU 2.8.4a

    Buddypress themes in theme folder only and the bp default enabled and activated.

    view site and page loads but those links don’t work and the related buddypress links in the buddypress bar don’t work either.

    Normal wordpress posts seem to work fine just not the Buddypress stuff.

    WordPress mu is set up to use subdirectories for blogs

    Wordpress mu installed in website root.

    I read forum threads and didn’t see any solutions for this issue.

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  • lostdeviant


    That was it! The conflict is with the qtranslate plugin.

    I started a new thread in the qtranslate plugin forum to let the author know.

    It would be great if someone here could confirm it. This worries me since it was the only multilingual plugin that I could find that would work with MU.

    It puts language content in html language tags including titles. With that plugin off everything appears twice wherever I had added a translation.



    Thank you all for the ideas. :-) I guess it is time to hack qTranslate :-(

    Jeff Sayre


    I’m glad you found the culprit. If you search these forums for “qTranslate”, you will see that there have been a number of issues reported in using that particular plugin with BP.



    If anyone already has found a working hack please let me know what you changed.



    You’d better not keep this conversation about qtranslate here. If there’s dedicated topic, post there. Or if there’s no active topics, create new one with “bp and qtranslate” kinda title.

    I am having the exact same issue but deactivating ALL plugins didnt work for me either..

    I have made a fresh install, tried to update the permalink to default (which gave me the same result having the same page over and over again)..

    Is there an error somewhere else possible?




    I’m also having these problems. Localy (XAMP) it all works okay but uploaded to my webhost none of the pages (members, groups, profile, etc) works.

    I’ve tried using the deafult theme and my own theme – no change.

    I’ve tried without any plugins – no change.

    It’s 1.1.1 and latest WPMU. I’ll see about trunk later on.

    I’ve yet to put up another local installation or online. That will be the next step.

    Like the first poster I’m using hostgator. How about you rfauster?



    How exactly do you implement this in a new theme:

    <?php if ( !bp_is_blog_page() && !bp_is_directory() && !bp_is_register_page() && !bp_is_activation_page() ) : ?>

    That’s the only thing that I’m guessing could be wrong.



    Same problem here.

    I Reinstalled WPMU 2.8.4a, (with subdirectories instead of subdomains) and BuddyPress from trunk, because I updated my localhost (WAMP 1.7>2.0).

    My old .htaccess (which was working before)

    If I use the .htaccess, the wordpress-mu directory under disappears and I can’t access WPMU.

    If I don’t use it, I can access WPMU & Buddypress, but I get a “404 Not Found” for every page other than home…




    Ok, the rewrite module from Apache was turned off…

    I turned it on, problem resolved !



    my rewrite module is turned on but it still won’t work.

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