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404 /blog /members etc… RC2 WPMU 2.7.1

  • @signaltrap


    Strange problem.

    After you upgrade to WPMU 2.7.1 and BP RC2

    At the subdomain’s blog’s stopped working main links like :

    /blog /members /groups /blogs

    404 Error “Sorry, that page was not found”

    when I going to / blog, in apache access log I see the following:

    “GET /blog HTTP/1.1” 404 20391 Safari/525.20 “

    But on the main site it works

    “GET / blog HTTP/1.1” 200 121745 Safari/525.20 “

    1. have. htaccess in the root of site.

    2. WPMU 2.7.1

    3. BP rc2 (all plugins activated)

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  • @wildchild


    I am having exactly the same problem, tested with the standard themes on ; doesn’t work .. 404 errors on all SLUGS, starting at the one above.

    When testing this on the main domain, ; with my own themes, I get exactly the same errors. When putting the standard themes on the main domain … no luck ..

    It’s driving me crazy since the entire social networking is off-line …

    I’ve upgraded the themes and all…



    Update from SVN, I did not help.

    What a possible to do for solve the problem?



    – logs do not show any errors except the normal 404’s

    x.x.x.x – – [24/Apr/2009:13:10:28 +0200] “GET /members/wildchild/ HTTP/1.0” 404 9959

    – WPMU 2.7.1 is installed

    – Buddypress RC2 is installed for sure ( has an error with the url in the title announcing the new version while pointing to the old! Only download zip is RC2 currently)

    – RC2 default templates and custom templates do not change anything at all

    – I’ve followed the upgrade instructions currently a dozen times

    Do you have by any chance the sunrise (domain mapping) or any redirect plugins installed?

    I tried by disabling them but I know WordPress is a little bit persistent on it’s redirections; if you got the same installed, it might be a good idea to look towards the mapping since the SLUGS are not working at all.



    Make sure you are updating your bp theme and it is in /wp-content/bp-themes

    Make sure you update the bp home theme

    Disable all other plugins



    I’ve tried disabling -all- plugins running my site naked, although, it didn’t work at all;

    My first work was the upgrade of my existing theme to the new standards ; although that gives the same error as the “buddypress home RC2” theme.

    I’m not really convinced this is themes related…

    I’m 100% sure it’s not mu-plugins related either, because I’ve tried disabling all those by moving them away, disabling sunrise in wp-config.php and it did nothing else more than rendering a lot useless and giving the same 404 errors on the main domain.

    the plugins directory I moved too, backed up the database before moving them, logging in, lots of things not working anymore including the slugs, which were still giving the same 404 errors …

    restored the database, plugin directories, mu-plugins and enabled sunrise again, because it didn’t matter at all; except that my blog articles are currently working towards the world …



    How did you upgrade to 2.7.1 from download area or Site Admin > Upgrade?



    I’ve upgraded by downloading the ZIP



    I’ve backed up the entire wordpress directory, copied the database, downloaded the zip and overwritten everything. WordPress MU seems to work perfectly. I wonder if BuddyPress would break if I’d return it to it’s RC1 state with the newer WordPress MU installed?

    OT: I also wonder why there is an \”Inactive\” above my name, bug?



    Have you updated the bp-themes?



    Were you running WPMU 2.7.1-beta1 before upgrading to the public version of 2.7.1?

    If so, did you try using the auto update feature? If you did, it will not work since the version is already 2.7.1.

    Instead, you have to do it the old fashion way: delete what is not needed, upload new files, then log in as site admin and got to Site Admin > Upgrade and finish the upgrade. Then, install BuddyPress, activate, and do the various theme directory changes.

    Also, are you using a brand new wp-config.php file–the one that comes with WPMU 2.7.1? Or, did you use an older version?

    If so, there is an additional define line added to WMPU’s config file as of 2.7.1:

    define(\'SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE\', 1);



    Tried to update via SiteAdmin Upgdare> Automatically Upgrade.

    Since then rm-rf bp-* from mu-plugins, deleting old themes member and home from themes/ folder.

    Unzipped all from bp-rc2 in to plugins/buddypress/ folder without bp-themes/.

    Moved bp-themes/ from zip to wp-content/

    now is:

    # ls wp-content/bp-themes /

    buddypress-member readme.txt

    Moved bp-themes/buddypress-home / to wp-content/themes/buddypress-home /

    now is:

    # ls wp-content/themes /

    buddypress-home classic default home

    # grep SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE wp-config.php

    define ( \’SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE\’, 1);

    Uncommented and active.

    Try deleting all plugins from the mu-plugins and plugins directory

    Leaving only the plugins/buddypress

    No result.




    Tried to update via SiteAdmin Upgdare> Automatically Upgrade.

    Where you running a branch of WPMU 2.7.1 before upgrading?

    As I said above, if you were, then you cannot use the auto upgrade feature since WPMU 2.7.1 is the same as WPMU 2.7.1 The upgrade function cannot distinguish between -beta1 and the recently released public version of 2.7.1

    So, you must “upgrade” the old fashioned way.



    I was running WordPress MU 2.7 before and have been manually upgrading ..

    bp-themes contains the original buddypress RC2 theme.



    @signaltrap: Did you find any solution for this problem yet ? Since I’m still searching as I write ….

    I’ve tried with all kinds of upgrades now without any slight difference at all …



    Did you delete your .htaccess file on accident?



    I renamed the .htaccess file to see if it would solve the problem, it was automatically created to the original state afterwards.

    The problem is still not solved…



    Something is wrong with your installs – try a fresh install of everything including WPMU. Make sure you start with a brand new wp-config.php.



    @Andy: I\’ll be installing a test build very soon.

    My steps will be:

    • Install test WPMU+Buddypress
    • test
    • if this works, migrate all data
    • test
    • if this works, perfect .. problem solved
    • if it doesn\’t, it\’s a problem in the codebase…

    Everyone having this problem seems to be having existing data; which might be the first thing to look out for …

    It\’s for sure not the themebug with not accepting dashes in filenames; I tested, because my theme is called artistblog-v2 (yep, with a dash).

    The problem was not solved, I\’ve noticed a NEW problem even, with the preview not showing up in the right frame (rather in the full frame, making it unable to click the \”use theme\” button), but that could be my theme too which needs to be modified.

    Maybe something to think about, themes which don\’t get loaded in the lightbox, what about those to activate them ?



    @andy: I’ve installed a testbuild which works perfectly. As soon as I started migrating in all wp_1_* data (no more, no less); the slugs gave the dreadfull 404 bug.

    The problem must be with the data; since a fresh install works perfectly and after the data gets imported, I get the nasty 404 bug.

    For production data, this is a bit sketchy, since I’m unable to use it ;)



    This is normal with WPMU, you are not going to be able to transfer over blog tables as there are all sorts of URL settings in the DB.

    The BP data tables should be fine. You might want to search around for WPMU import/export tools as I believe there are some.



    @Andy: Basically which you say is that a seamless upgrade with existing data is not possible; unless using Import/Export functions ? Or am I wrong?

    If so, This might be an important thing to mention for upgrades, because this wouldn’t be exactly an upgrade then but a new install with import…



    The blog tables are WPMU so it’s installing WPMU from scratch then trying to copy over DB tables that I’m talking about, not BuddyPress.



    I may be going crazy, but I honestly can’t really figure out exactly what’s happening that is leading you all down this path. There’s a space in your URL? Is that it?

    I’ve upgraded from 2.7 and RC1 twice now to 2.7.1 and RC2, seamlessly.



    @John: I wish I could find out, there are more people with the same problem; although it seems to be (only) with sites already having data in them…

    @Andy: I’ve been copying over the database tables using phpmyadmin and by deleting entries I’ve found out the buddypress installation worked shortly. Too badly, I couldn’t redo the same routine …



    Is there any news yet from anyone having 404 problems having it fixed? Since I’m still in the dark, not really motivated moving all data over again-and-again by hand..

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