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404 error after installing BP

  • @jimboba


    Apologies for cross posting hnla. Here I’ve moved to a new topic and quote sections relating to my question below.
    Jimboba said 1 hour, 38 minutes ago:

    I’ve just experienced the same problem. Installation via WordPress ‘appears’ to be successful but when accessing BP interface I get ‘Page cannot be found’.

    Checked the files via ftp and the ‘blogs’ folder that BP wants to access is empty except for a ‘media’ folder with a ‘.hidden’ file in it.

    So it seems that the files were not copied to the correct location. Check the folder permissions and they are 755.

    Using a new install of WP 3.0.1.

    Anyone help?

    hnla said 28 minutes ago:

    Do not hijack threads please this practice is poor nettiquette. Problems may seem similar but often have different causes, having to answer two sets of questions in one thread can become confusing.

    //- deleted section not relating to this question –/

    @jimboba much the same for you to; the lack of files is vague you either have the necessary BP files or not forget the lack of files for the moment BP wouldn’t be running if it were missing files. check whether you are able to update .htaccess file correctly

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  • @jimboba


    I believe I have done what you have suggested and changed the permalinks settings. An example post did read:

    Now reads:
    I take it that proves the .htaccess file is updating?

    The reason for my confusion regards missing files is that selecting “Account’ for example looks for ‘’ where ‘/members/admin/” does not exist on the server. All files excepting those cited previously are in the buddypress plugins folder.

    Apologies if my lack of knowledge in this area is throwing a curve ball.

    I am using the default buddypress theme.



    edit/ x posted with above reply.
    can you confirm that your .htaccess file is able to be written to? you will receive a notice saying not if there are issues when you try and re save the permalink structure from the dashboard.



    your not running the blog and BP in the root of the domain are you?



    Changed the permalink back to with the message that “Permalink structure updated.” Which is confirmed by the reversion of the post URLs.

    No, the WP is in a subfolder “blog” as you can see from previous examples. Is this the issue?



    Hello BP community. This issue is still floating around. I’ve looked thru the forum for issues relating to BP installations in subfolders and none of them have worked for me. Am I missing the obvious and incurred hnla’s dismissal?

    Still trying to get this to work after several installations. Help…










    Re: “incurred hnla’s dismissal?”
    Do not take things personally. @hnla has assisted hundreds of users in this forum and some questions were out of this world compared to your questions.

    Re: “Page Not Found” errors
    – Change Settings > Permalinks to other than default.
    – Activate bp-default theme to check links to BP components. When that works, insatll/create child theme of bp-default theme OR use the BP Template Pack if you want to use WP theme.



    @jimboba My apologies, no you didn’t incur my wrath and weren’t dismissed, sometimes it’s easy to lose track of threads

    Using the @mention system does help to ensure we see things flagged to our username.

    At times it does become very difficult to help further, especially remotely where we can only ask questions and are divorced from the actual events, normally I have access to all the files such as access/error logs, DB etc so I can effectively troubleshoot issues.

    Something else to check might be the settings for wordpress url and site url ; wordpress url should reflect the url path to your sub folder installation?



    Hello @hnla and @mercime. Thanks for your attention.

    However I think you’ll see from previous posts that I have changed the Permalinks settings from the default (to Month and name) successfuly.
    I have checked the URL settings and both the WordPress address (URL) and Site address (URL) are the same (‘blog’ subdirectory of root).
    I have activated the default theme (successfully in the admin) but once installed all links from admin or the blog result in the error described.

    So I’m no further forward at the moment. I have also deleted and reinstalled BuddyPress. No difference.

    Happy to leave the ‘broken’ blog in place so you can look to see if I’m missing something:

    Thanks in advance



    I suspect that your rewrite rules are not working, especially as you are running on IIS server which handles rewrites slightly differently from Apache. I would check the WordPress codex on rewrites and IIS

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