@bibliata please clarify, you updated from which BP version to BP 1.7? If you’re on BP 1.7, make sure that your theme and plugins are compatible with that version. You might also want to check your .htaccess file.
Thank you!
I’ve updated consistently without missing any updates with every update since 1.6
I am currently at 1.81. Theme and plugins are compatible and working w/o problems.
.htaccess has not been changed since initial installation but I checked it again
and do not see anything that specify /buddypress/ in the URL which I see both in
groups and members ex. http://ourcog.org/buddypress/members/d-alan/ //THANKS
@bibliata did you by any chance, create a Page titled BuddyPress then made it the parent page for Activity, Members, etc. ?
oops sure looks that way http://ourcog.org/buddypress/
How do I correct that? Remove it and make the other
pages _no parent_ ? Thanks!