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A user asked for an activation key while registering to my site .

  • @garima-nag


    Whenever someone is registering to my site through buddypress, the user is asked for an activation key . How can I remove this . User are not able to register to my site Pls suggest

    Wordpress version 3.6.1. Buddypress version 1.8.1

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  • @bphelp


    Worked fine for me! After the user clicks the activation email link test it and see if they can just login even though it asks for an activation key. In other words just ignor that activation key page and login in using the credentials they signed up with. Let us know if they are able to login.



    Is that something that’s normally supposed to happen? Doesn’t sound like she modified anything.



    No it is not supposed to happen but unfortunately it does. I believe it is more of a servers time handling of the activation email that causes this issue. I have seen this happen before and if the user just ignores the enter activation key and just logs in then they are successful.



    interesting, perhaps we should make a trac ticket for that?



    If the server is the culprit for mistakenly taken a user to that page it really isn’t a BuddyPress issue, it is a server issue.



    ok i guess its over my head technically but it would seem to me there should be some kind of fail safe preventing the server lag causing the problem. then again it’s probably not that simple or something. 😛



    Already discussed and solved here:

    and a bit older here

    And of my own experience, i had similar problems in the past due to using the same nav session during the registering process.
    In brief, a user’s navigator cache problem.

    Hope that @djpaul ask on this tread, once more time, about the server type, and that he will finally give a reason or a solution! 😉

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