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activate member from admin

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  • @rogercoathup


    It’s not available as an option from wp-admin.

    It’s possible with some fairly advanced coding – you’d need to be a competent PHP developer:

    You could look at using the wp_set_auth_cookie() to auto login the user on registration.

    You need to hook on to an appropriate action in the user registration process – disable the call to wp_new_user_notification(), and then use the auto login function above.

    Alternatively, you could have a look to see if there are any ‘off the shelf’ plugins to do this for you — I’m not aware of any.



    Hey roger Thanks buddy for help
    but tell where i found this code ?
    wp_new_user_notification() ?
    i search everywhere but i can’t found please tell me
    and tell me it create a problem with theme or plugin ?
    Reply me ASAP



    A simple google search shows that
    wp_new_user_notification is in wp-includes/pluggable.php

    As @rogercoathup said:
    you’d need to be a competent PHP developer to implement his hints



    Thanks @shanebp — that’s point for point exactly what I was going to say!

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