Please try these plugins : https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/ and https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-better-emails/ to check if the mail sending is allowed there. After setting up the plugin please try to send a test mail first and if it works then try with activation email.
Hopefully, it will help you.
So I have WP Mail SMTP setup already and the emails do send, the problem is that the activation email sends in a day or so, I need that email to be sent to them right away ya know?
Can you please talk to your hosting support about this issue? Sometimes it’s on their end and they need to check why server is taking this much time to send mail.
Ill ask them ! thank you!
I asked my hosting provider and they said everything looks good on their end… Im not sure what to do.
Yeah the thing is that the email does send but only in a day or so… there a really long delay
I got it to work! I have another question though, when the user goes to their profile page and tries to add their avatar picture, it crops the image without showing it.. how can I disable that?
Try to disable lazy loading in jetpack.
Yesss thank you!!! I couldnt find anything that helped! Thank you so much!
Glad to know that it helped