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Activation Emails are not being sent

  • @smilingdeep


    Hello Everyone.
    From past a week I’ve been working on my website. The problem is that buddypress doesn’t send activation mail but when I trigger forgot password email for the same account it sends.

    Default wordpress register page is able to send activation mail but when I activate buddypress it doesn’t work.I have tried all the plugins and have been going through all these forums from last two days but all in vain.

    I have reinstalled it thrice and now as stated in requirements I have done a manual wordpress install. I am on shared hosting and using my website mail server to send emails.

    My site : My Site

    Wordpress Version: 4.9.6
    Buddypress version: 3.0.0

    Please help me solve this issue.

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  • @smilingdeep


    @vapvarun @bassibabes1 @sharebophar

    Register yourself here My Site. Help each other building



    @smilingdeep good idea



    @sharebophar yeah, it is. We can be of great help for each other.
    I’ve set up the site completely. Now building a theme from scratch.



    Yep – seems to be working now. It was that patch of code. Thanks everyone and @smilingdeep



    hello I have not earned .. mail does not send. there are options for correction. help .. code replacement /bp-core/bp-core-functions.hhh did not work .. no emails



    @sergiblac Can you tell/show me the following?

    1- Plugin Settings (if you are using any.
    2. Did you replace the red text with green text shown in the patch?

    3. Did you reset email settings in Dashboard>tools> BuddyPress settings.

    4. What errors did you get?

    Check these settings again and share details.



    I made everything according to the instructions. does not work. no errors simply do not send, even through the menu in the bean it is possible to send the registration letter also does not work, the code change did not affect anything that there is a breakdown. (((



    Did you try deactivating BuddyPress?
    If you need my assistance. Download Anydesk first and reply here. I’ll have a look at your configuration.



    yes re-established.. my number 783581096…there is a problem that I write through the translator .. I’m speaking Russian .. for help I will be very grateful



    you can write via e-mail



    @sergiblac accept request



    Thanks for trying .. know what’s wrong.



    Thank you for trying .. Sorry that’s not true.



    Thanks a lot @sharebophar for your solution. I had to do a little of adjustment but it was right on the spot!

    buddypress nouveau not sending activation email but buddypress nouveau sending correctly emails to user for notifications on manually activated users. So in my case the problem was ONLY that the validation email was not sent. I say ‘only’ from a technical perspective but from the user perspective was a VERY BIG issue. Again thanks @sharebophar for your solution
    Also note that I am not running a wordpress multisite.

    Here are the steps I have employed:

    STEP 1
    a) browse to “/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php” in buddypress plugin directory
    b) replace the code for ‘core-user-registration’ and ‘core-user-registration-with-blog’ with the following one

    	'core-user-registration' => array(
    			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    			'post_title'   => __( '[{{{}}}] Activate your account', 'buddypress' ),
    			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    			'post_content' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account, go to the following link: <a href=\"{{{activate.url}}}\">{{{activate.url}}}</a>", 'buddypress' ),
    			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
                            'post_excerpt' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account, go to the following link: {{{activate.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
    		'core-user-registration-with-blog' => array(
    			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    			'post_title'   => __( '[{{{}}}] Activate {{{user-site.url}}}', 'buddypress' ),
    			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    			'post_content' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account and site, go to the following link: <a href=\"{{{activate-site.url}}}\">{{{activate-site.url}}}</a>.\n\nAfter you activate, you can visit your site at <a href=\"{{{user-site.url}}}\">{{{user-site.url}}}</a>.", 'buddypress' ),
    			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    			'post_excerpt' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account and site, go to the following link: {{{activate-site.url}}}\n\nAfter you activate, you can visit your site at {{{user-site.url}}}.", 'buddypress' ),

    STEP 2

    a) go to wordpress dashboard, settings, buddypress
    b) select and run the ‘repair email’ option

    STEP 3

    all now works. I have been testing it with dummy users. I hope the whole explanation helps.



    HOORAY. HOORAY. all works .. thank you very much … the problem is finally solved ..))))



    @sergiblac, glad to know that. Enjoy buddy.



    I have fresh WordPress installation version 4.96 and Buddypress 3.0.

    Unfortunately the version 3.0 of Buddypress does not send confirmation email to new registered users. I removed the version 3.0 and tested the version 2.9.4. So in that version it worked.

    Several websites are in trouble if the registration process does not work as expected. Otherwise Buddypress is awesome plugin and thanks to the developers. Hopefully the team can fix the case soon.



    I am testing this, but wondering at the same time what is ” the repair email option”.



    We have this fixed for our next release, v3.1. This will be released next week (Wednesday) at the latest. The bug was addressed at

    “Repair email” deletes the emails from the “Emails” menu, then re-adds them. You don’t need to do this unless you’ve added a translation to your site after installing BuddyPress, and want the translated emails, or if you’ve made a code change to the email language in the BuddyPress files, which is what @filipponeri20 has done. We strongly recommend that no-one ever changes a core file of BuddyPress, because it will be overwritten when you update.



    I am testing this, but wondering at the same time what is ” the repair email option”.

    Hello @alpokoskiniva, this solution is tested and has worked for everyone with activation mail issue. I am sure you will also be able to solve this.

    As for “reset email settings” – go to Dashboard> tools > BuddyPress tools and here you will find this option. This option resets Buddypress e-mail configuration to default. Hope it helps.



    Oh! Thank you for the fast reply! Look forward the update. Happy summer!



    So what’s the solution for this problem? Why this very essential factor is so hard to achieve?



    Thank you so much for this awesome plugin! I’ve considered several WP registration processes and to me, none compare to the elegant solution of xProfile.

    Just in case someone hasn’t tried this: After improving my mail configuration. For the better part of a week, I was trying to resolve why all WP emails were received, except “account activation”. These emails came back as: “Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender …smtp; 550 This message has been reported as spam by other users.” I knew that they hadn’t been reported, because I was sending them to myself, during testing. Due to my trial and error, it turned out that your “Reinstall emails” …was the perfect solution to this problem!



    I need help. I am using the wp mail SMTP plugin. but activation link not sent


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