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Activity embeds in activity stream

  • @binary10


    Okay so you can embed activities in posts by pasting the permalink but that would be great if they could be embedded in an activity just like other embeds. Just an idea

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  • @sharmavishal


    It does already I guess



    @sharmavishal yes but it doesn’t work on the same website. Is it possible ?



    Can’t get at its embeds to work.



    @binary10 – It is working for me. What type of activity item are you trying to embed?

    Here’s a screenshot:
    Activity-within-activity embed

    – Did you view the tutorial video?




    What type of activity item are you trying to embed?

    status update
    I saw the video but it doesn’t work on my installation. I am using WP 4.5.3 and BP 2.6. Also as in the video when the permalink is pasted into the visual editor it immediately gets converted into an embed but it doesn’t happen with my install. Is it some problem with WordPress? Other embeds work fine
    Also tested with 2016 theme but still doesn’t work? What might be the problem?



    @binary10, @earl_d

    The new embed activity feature is great and works perfectly.
    When I tested this a few days ago with beta, i also said: this doesn’t work !

    But I was wrong. Let me clarify the situation.

    When it comes to “copy the URL” i use mostly the right mouse click functionality “copy this URL”. When you do that on the activity feed by hovering over date/time, you catch a permalink which comes in form of your-site/activity/p/23093.

    If you do what is told in the presentation video (on BP’s About page) – copy the URL – you don’t get the same path. Copy the URL doesn’t mean copy the permalink !

    Back to previous example, when you CLICK on the activity date/time, this activity comes up on a new page and this page shows the URL you should copy for embeding it into post, comment or update.
    This URL looks like your-site/members/USERNAME/activity/23093/.

    By the way, embeding an activity into a activity update is already possible.

    I admit it’s a bit tricky and unusual way to “copy” something. On the other side, the feature is young and will be enhanced in a next release. So far from what i heard from core dev @imath.



    @danbp thanks for the clarification but it still doesn’t work. Here is what i did
    click on the activity date/time
    copy the URL of the page that comes up (here http://localhost/pix-bloggers/activity/9/) (root profiles is enabled)
    paste the url in the activity post form and click on post update
    but what i see is just a hyperlink
    also when i paste the url in a WP post i see nothing not even the URL!




    did you tested with 2016 and all plugins disabled ?
    Does your theme use some specific functions for BP ?
    Have you custom code in bp-custom or functions.php ?



    @danbp so it works if i copy the permalink of an activity on some other buddypress installation but i want that it should work for activities on the same website? Is it possible?



    @binary10 – Are you using some custom code to restrict access to your BuddyPress site or certain parts of your site like member profiles?

    If you are, then it isn’t possible for the oEmbed code to return properly.



    i want that it should work for activities on the same website? Is it possible?

    BuddyPress features are generally designed to work inside BuddyPress. 😉
    I guess it is possible. Because it was made for !

    Follow Ray’s advice…



    @r-a-y i am not using any such custom code. I tested with all plugins disabled and with 2016 theme but doesn’t work. So i installed WP and BP separately to test and it worked but I still cannot get it to work on the main site. Anyways, thanks for your help



    @binary10 – Hmm, not sure what the problem is.

    Are you using the latest version of WordPress?



    @r-a-y Yes i am using the latest version of WP. Actually what i am trying is to embed the activity at http://localhost/members/john/activity/2/ in my activity stream at http://localhost/members/binary10/. It doesn’t work. But as i already said i did a separate install for testing and created a buddypress activity with permalink http://localhost/site/members/binary10/activity/2/ then it works. This is what i am trying to say. Any ideas?



    it is not working really but what I see is that if you add ?embed=true after the Permalink and open it in a new tab then it returns the embed content so that means buddypress is working correctly but somehow it doesn’t work in the activity stream. Can I add buddypress as an oembed provider to make it work?



    @danbp okay so it works if i copy the activity permalink of some status update from some other buddypress installation, right. Sorry for my english. What I mean is: i installed WP and BP at http://loacalhost and then at http://localhost/site. If i copy the permalink http://localhost/site/members/john/activity/1/ in the activity post form at http://localhost/members/binary10/ then it works otherwise not. What i want is that it should work for the same website. Is it possible?



    The vid explains that adding a bp activity link to a post embeds. Is embedding in the activity native yet?

    What the embed scripts? like of the provider.

    Would love to make this compatible , especially in the groups

    Here was my old combo to achieve this.



    There’s also this option for now @binary10 if I’m understanding your request, but it’s not so automatic.



    Seems compatible already

    Doesn’t do anything default for links.

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