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Activity Meta Buttons show up Vertically

  • @mixtapela



    I assume that the issue could with the theme I’m using “Flavor”. However I would like to fix this myself as a part of learning Buddypress.

    On my Activity page, the meta buttons are rendered vertically instead of horizontally but when I click on “Load more” the rest of the activity shows the buttons correctly. This is also affecting button plugin such as “Buddypress Social” and renders them useless. This issue is also occurring the “page numbers” area on the members page.

    I previously had the “BP Compatibility Pack” without knowing that I didn’t actually need it for the new BP version. Could that plugin have cause the issue at hand?

    Here’s the activity page:

    Please advise & Thanks for any help in advance.

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  • @mercime


    I previously had the “BP Compatibility Pack” without knowing that I didn’t actually need it for the new BP version. Could that plugin have cause the issue at hand?

    If you mean the BP Template Pack, then yes, you don’t need it. I would delete that from the plugins page. If you already ran the BP Template Pack with your theme activated, then remove the BuddyPress folders which might have been moved to your current theme in server namely: /activity, /blogs, /forums, /groups, /members, and /registration



    Hello Mercime,

    I apologize for the confusion, Yes I meant the “BP Template Pack” and I have deactivated it, removed it and deleted the folders in subject as outlined in the BuddyPress help page.

    However the meta buttons and page numbers are still showing up vertically instead or horizontally. But when I click on “Load more” buttons the rest of the activity page and buttons show up correctly.

    Please advise,
    Thanks for your help



    @mixtapela Your link leads to a login page. Do provide a throw-away account username and password so we don’t have to register to assist you.



    Hello Mercime,

    Thanks for getting back to me, here’s the login info:

    username: bpuser
    pass: bpuser1

    Your help is much appreciated.



    I hope you all do not mind me chiming in on this. I am having the exact same issue on my site, and the OP explained it so well.

    My link does not require a login:

    I have been reading over this site all day and I am still trying to wrap my head around the post 1.7 compatibility. I’m not sure really what CSS tags to edit to correct this. I say that because as the OP stated, initially the activity page loads with <p> tags surrounding each button, but if you were to click like “Mentions” or one of the drop down selections, it corrects itself by removing the <p> tag which surrounds each button. At least this is what I observed through Firebug. I’m not sure if this could be corrected through CSS, it seems more like something that the coding loop is doing when it constructs the entry.

    I just logged into the OP’s site, looks like him and I are running into the same issue.



    Friendly bump on this. I’m about to mail this in and just go with a different theme.



    @tearstone I have’t had any luck yet with this issue, I’ve tried everything I could think of.. hopefully someone else had this issue before and stumbles on this post.



    Friendly bump.. I am still not able to get this issue fixed. Tried playing around with the styling of the theme but no success. Anyone out there willing to help? I’d really appreciate it.




    I have the exact same theme and exact same problem. Just updated theme (updated recently) and buddypress to 2.0

    The activity stream comment, favorite, delete, etc. buttons are all vertical and have <p> wrapping #buddypress div.activity-meta buttons.

    No clue how to fix this 🙁 I’ve dug through all the BP template and theme and function files looking for where the <p> is coming from. PLEASE HELP.



    Here’s a temporary fix for the meta buttons showing vertically:

    Add this to your style.css:

    #buddypress #activity-stream p

    However the spacing is way off and my “Share” (Buddypress Social) button is not working unless I click on “Load more”.

    I hope this helps.



    @mixtapela it’s been a while, sorry I missed your other posts. Could you provide the updated URL to your site (as the URL in first post leads to nowhere) as well as a throw-away user account so we could check it out.



    Hello @mercime

    The url is:
    Please use the following credentials:
    Username: bpuser
    password: bpuser1

    I’ve reinstalled a fresh unmodified copy of the theme, I’ve even completely removed buddypress and deactivated all the plugins but the issue is still there.

    Please help!



    @mixtapela Screenshot of what I see when logged in and the only button out of alignment is the “Report User” button from Wangguard in some instances where a break tag is being inserted after that button.

    Before contacting the plugin author for assistance please check whether deactivating some plugins which hook into the activity stream like BP Activity plus resolves the issue. Good luck.




    Thanks for checking into this issue for me, I apologize but for testing purposes I had to disable Activity Social Plugin. The activity page should now show the “Share” button.

    I was able to fix the alignment issue with the css code i posted earlier this week, and that only works for buddypress meta buttons not plugin generated buttons.

    The main issue now is that everything looks aligned correctly when clicking on the “load more” button and the “share” button works. But not on the default results of the activity page.

    I’ve contacted the theme support team and they are still unable to figure it out, I’ve deactivated all plugins, re-installed buddypress and installed a clean version of the theme. This issue has been driving me nuts for over a year now and would appreciate some help. Thanks!



    FWIW the Flavor theme developer shared a fix that worked for me:

    #buddypress #activity-stream p {display:inline-block!important}



    @3rdEyeGuam I posted that fix last week in this thread.. Unfortunately, the styling code didn’t fix my alignment or functionality of the meta buttons. Buttons such as “Delete” “report user” and “Share” are still showing up vertically until I click on “Load more”.

    Theme support has suggested a complete fresh install of the database and wordpress even after I did a clean install of the theme.



    Interesting. Which BP mods are you using that have ‘Share’? I know WangGuard has report user, I’ll try out what you’re doing and see if I can help.



    @3rdEyeGuam Thanks! I’m using the “Buddypress Social” plugin. I think this may have to do with the BP Template Compatibility Pack that I added then removed when I first Installed the theme.



    Thanks – so I tried that plugin and found a couple bugs:

    1) it pushes the alignment of the delete button to the top of share


    2) after configuring the Buddypress Social plugin settings, I tested it’s function and clicking share produces no effect whatsoever..




    @3rdEyeGuam So glad to find out It’s not just me.. That means the plugin and theme are incompatible. I can’t help but notice the activity page styling is much better when clicking “Load More” button. My members page is showing vertical page buttons though..



    It would seem so, and I am running a very plain instance of BP and WP at the moment.

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