@bajachick to double-check if it’s a theme issue, please change to Twenty Twelve. Even if the layout is not aligned, check if the comment button in activity stream works.
Yes different themes do work.
Twenty twelve works as does bp-default theme and several others. The issue is definitely related to the theme. Just not sure where to troubleshoot it further.
the theme developer would probably be your best shot
I also disabled all plugins and tested and it still does not work with all of the plugins disabled. I tried a fresh installation in a test wordpress site as well and still the same issue. I’m using the Responsive theme by themeid with a buddypress child theme.
I also tried 1.7 with the responsive theme (no child theme) and had the same issue so something in the Responsive theme seems to be the culprit, but I’m not sure where to go next to troubleshoot it. I suspect its an ajax issue but not sure.
I’d rather not start over with a new theme as I’ve spent a ton of time customizing this one.
11 years, 11 months ago
When trying to post a comment on the activity stream clicking the comment button does nothing. The favorite and delete buttons work fine.
I believe this is a theme issue and hoping you can point me in the right direction for troubleshooting. I have verified that it works fine with the bp-default theme.
Themes I’m using: Responsive Theme by Theme ID with the Buddypress Child Theme
Things I have tried that didn’t work:
Uploading _inc to the root of the theme folder
Copying the contents of bp-default activity folder into my theme
Website details:
-Linux VPS with apache
-Buddypress 1.6.5
-Wordpress 3.5.1
I recently upgraded from 1.6.5 – I thought I tested it in 1.6.4 and it was working fine, but not sure how to downgrade to test. Site is not live yet but this is the last thing to fix before I import from my old blog so I’m stuck.
Can someone please help me with this or point me in the right direction to troubleshoot the problem?