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Activity stream commenting on blog posts

  • @style960


    Can someone explain this setting to me please? I have this activated under the assumption that a comment on a blog post would show in either Site-Wide Activity or the commenting users Personal Activity (ideally both). But neither happens.

    What does this setting do?


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  • @style960


    Can anyone assist please?



    In the page: /admin.php?page=bp-settings
    select Allow activity stream commenting on blog and forum posts

    Now when I click Comment below an entry in the Activity page a text box opens and allows me to comment. I am using standard theme. I do not know compatibility about third party themes.
    What is your site url?

    I can send comment from Activity to a blog post and vice versa bit not Like/Favorit it which is almost insanely critical error I find with BP.




    I do have that setting enabled. I thought when I commented on blog post that comment would then show up in my activity stream – it doesn’t. I can’t see any difference in activity / commenting.





    That is what happened with previous versions of BP, and that is what happens with “Like” or Favorites still now. But commenting is now both way and it does work for me.

    Can you please test with localhost (xampp etc) on your own pc/mac with default and core install of WP 4.1 Multisite and BP 2.1.1 and nothing else ?



    @disha76 This feature did come to life when I ticked the Site Tracking box 🙂




    what are the current settings that make sense?

    by “make sense” i mean: when you comment on something in the activity stream, that same comment appears under the blog post — so “not 2 different streams of comments with confusion as to where what works.”

    i mean: if you comment in the activity stream, that comment also appears under the blog post.


    “the activity stream takes you out to the blog post and you comment there.”

    for me, it doesn’t really “matter” which procedure takes place — but it does matter — that the procedure make sense and that the result be usable.

    this setting is important for our websites to actually make sense to users.

    interesting that i noticed this checkbox yesterday and wondered what would happen if i checked it on. of course, because of concern regarding the potential “non irreversibility” of said checkbox, i did not check it.

    anyway, my question is:
    what are the currents settings options regarding “Activity stream commenting on blog posts” that give the users a functional experience?





    I’ve only recently enabled and checked this to see how it works. It’s two way – a newly published blog post will appear in the site-wide activity feed. I also use the BP Follow plugin meaning the same activity (notifying of a new post) will show in personal activity > following.

    Myself, or anyone else can then reply to that blog post directly from any activity feed in which it appears, and that reply will be added as a normal comment on the post itself.

    Hope that makes sense 🙂

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