@blogsabout that is not default behavior indeed. Did you set pretty permalinks already in Settings > Permalinks? Are you using the bp-default theme?
Thanks a lot mercime for fast reply
I did set the permalinks to: /%category%/%postname%
Nope, I’m using a premium theme I have purchased.
I’m still having some styling issues with my bp pages , and I’m about to fix those by using the same html from the theme and use it in my bp files.
Could that be the reason?
Re your premium theme: did you install the BP Template Pack plugin to make it compatible with BuddyPress or is it one of themes which is aleady “buddypress-ready” (has activity, groups, members, etc folders in theme folder)?
If it’s the second one, then the theme might not been updated for BP 1.5.1 yet. Change to bp-default theme to check if behavior is corrected. If so, contact theme author.
Compare your theme’s members-loop.php with that of bp-default theme’s https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/1.5.1/bp-themes/bp-default/members/members-loop.php#L72 where your theme should have this hook “
Mercime, would it show some kind of confirmation that a request has been send?
Nothing happend when I tried with the default theme the first, time, but second it “greyed” the button out and I recieved a request in the mail.
The members-loop.php looks like that(and I see the bp_directory_members_actions)..is it missing something? Any suggestion would be much appreciated
EDIT – by mercime
1. For long blocks of code, please post at pastebin.com and post generated URL here. I did it here for you – http://pastebin.com/XagKjxHL
2. For posting code here, wrap your code in backticks (`) the symbol between the parentheses
Edit: Noticed it doesn’t want to show all the code..so can’t really show it :o(
Anyway, the bp_directory_members_actions is there, but I know the theme is from before 1.5 so it’s probably not compatible.
I Just compared the code, it looks suspiciously identical to the members-loop.php you linked to.
== but second it “greyed” the button out and I recieved a request in the mail. ==
It should grey out and have a light “Friendship Requested” text on top (at least on bp-default theme)
== it looks suspiciously identical to the members-loop.php you linked to. ==
You’re right. So it’s from a theme done after BP 1.2.5 but before BP 1.5.
I’ve used some plugins recommended by the WordPress Theme Review Team who screen themes submitted to the WP repository: Theme Check plugin, Log Deprecated Notices plugin and Debogger plugin. Install these and you’ll be able to see deprecated tags which should be replaced.
Mercime, I tried to make a whole new and clean WP installation and install BP and just using the default theme.
When I go to “my account -> messages”, “Friends” , “group invites”( well, no invitations was send, but still) etc, the all link to a Page not found and the classic “We are sorry, but we can’t find..”and then the search field.
I find this very weird?
The thing that comes to my mind is that I have installed both sites to a subdomain eg. name.mydomain.com
Would that be the reason for the links to mix up?
Otherwise this seems like a complete mystery to me.
I have used BP 1.2 with one of my other projects and hosted on the same server, and that ran smooth.
Pretty stressed about this, since I was hoping to be running one of these days.
PS. Lol..even the “settings” page under “my account” goes to the page not found!…hmm…
So only BuddyPress pages dont work, but your normal WordPress pages work with pretty permalinks?
Not sure if this is still something to be worrying about, but you had to “re-save” your pretty permalinks after installing BuddyPress, if you havent, try that.
Thanks for reply Xevo..
My pretty links are:
I tried to save that, but still with no good results..but would that influence the BP links anyway?
Or how should they be set?
Cheers, B
== The thing that comes to my mind is that I have installed both sites to a subdomain eg. name.mydomain.com ==
BP has no problem being installed in physical subdomains or in secondary blogs of multisite installations with subdomain structure as far as I know.
I noted in your 2nd post that you were trying to make your WP theme compatible with BuddyPress. If you’re using the bp-default theme, you should deactivate the BP Template Pack plugin. What showed up in your error logs?