I have no idea what I am doing but I found this line in the sidebar.php
<?php printf( __( ‘ You can also create an account.’, ‘buddypress’ ), site_url( BP_REGISTER_SLUG . ‘/’ ) ) ?>
I have an image I want to use for users to click on and add it BELOW this text
I assume I can just copy this above line and add the correct code to display the image and paste it below this line – that’s what I need some help with
what is the correct code / path to the image
good question.
Am also interested how to get a button instead of the link “create an account”.
If you’re going to be modifying a template file, make sure you’ve created a child theme. Then, copy over sidebar.php to your theme’s directory and make your changes there.
This will ensure your changes will not break when you upgrade BP.
The “button” is simply a CSS class, so if you use the following in sidebar.php:
<a href="<?php echo bp_get_signup_page(); ?>" class="button">Signup</a>
This will give you the same look as the register button.
Hi Ray,
which sidebar.php file you are talking about ?
1)…themes / default / sidebar.php
2)….plugins / buddypress / bp-themes / bp-deault / sidebar.php
3)…..wp-content / themes / home / sidebar.php
Also, where do I change the text “To start connecting please log in first…….” ?
Many thanks !
@Erich: sidebar.php from the BP bp-default theme. #2 on your list. Everytime someone refers to a theme file to be copied into your child theme, it will be from bp-default.
Thanks for the help – works great
Where do you place the code (<a href="” class=”button”>Signup) in the sidebar.php file?
thanks r-a-y i put it up on my site cadurdu.com successfully
i put it between input type=”hidden” name=”testcookie” value=”1″ and form>
like that
input type=”hidden” name=”testcookie” value=”1″ /
<a href="” class=”button”>Signup