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Adding Custom Fields to a PB Group

  • virtualabode


    Hi all

    Following a long day of research and testing multiple plugins to extend the PB Group feature I’ve hit a dead end. Has anyone found a successful way to add custom fields to the create/update/view Group page?

    The Groups feature is successfully activated with subscribers able to create/update/delete and view their own Groups. As well as make groups public to everyone.

    Where I’m struggling is to simply add the following custom fields:

    • Location – pre-defined list to choose from; with the ability to select multiple options
    • Group URL – simple text box that allows a web address to be entered
    • Category (e.g. IT, Technology, Science, etc) – pre-defined list to choose from; with the ability to select multiple options

    One pretty much every WordPress project I work on I use Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). But have been unable to find a way to enable custom fields this way specifically for the create/edit view of BP Groups.

    The added complication that I have is that I need to be able to filter Groups by Location and Category on the Groups (plural) landing page. Plus set-up an endpoint via the REST API to list all groups, along with the custom field data.

    If anyone has any suggestions at all I’d be incredibly grateful.

    Alternatively, I’m beginning to think about creating a custom post type in my Theme for ‘Member Groups’. Adding custom fields via ACF will obviously be much more simple, as will adding a custom category and tags. The one complication with this is how to list only the ‘Member Groups’ items that a BuddyPress member/subscriber has created on their own Profile page.

    Many thanks

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  • y2gabs


    Hi there, did you ever find a solution here? Looking for basically the same thing.



    We decided to ditch BP Groups altogether, creating a custom post type with its own custom archive page. This way we had full control over use of custom fields, using ACF.

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