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Adding profile fields from default WP profile to BP profile

  • gmxperry


    I’m hoping someone can help me on this.

    I’m currently running BP on my site and I just installed a plugin that allows for users to link to their and live streams and have them auto-populate a specific page or a specific area of a page with thumbnails and links and indicators if they’re live. The problem is, the only way a user can edit this aspect of their profile is to do so from the wp-admin/profile.php area of the site.

    I can’t seem to figure out a simple way to allow a user to make these changes from within their BuddyPress profile instead. I’m willing to edit the PHP if necessary, but if someone could help me with how this could be done, I’d be incredibly grateful!

    If it helps, the name of the plugin is liveTV Bundle. It adds 3 fields which users can enter their channel names and one field where they can delete the already saved entries.

    Thank you all in advance for any help!

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  • gmxperry


    Okay, I think I’ve identified the fields in question and the code in question, but I’m not sure how to implement it. Here’s the section of code from the addon that hooks the new user fields into the WordPress profile:

    `//Now hook to create extra profil fields`
    `add_action( ‘edit_user_profile’, ‘livetv_show_extra_profile_fields’ ); `
    `//When the current on the current profil has capabilties to edit -> display`
    `add_action( ‘edit_user_profile_update’, ‘livetv_save_extra_profile_fields’ ); `
    `//When the current on the current profil has capabilties to edit -> update`

    `add_action( ‘show_user_profile’, ‘livetv_show_extra_profile_fields’ ); `
    `//When the current on the current profil has capabilties to show -> display`
    `add_action( ‘personal_options_update’, ‘livetv_save_extra_profile_fields’ ); `
    `//When the current on the current profil is the current and edit -> update`

    I can see where it hooks the new fields into the default user profile, but how do I update those hooks for BuddyPress? I found some hooks that sounded similar but none would actually add those to the proper spot in the “Edit” page for the extended profile.

    Help please! Thank you!



    Another update: Right below where I found those hooks, I also found the code that actually generates the fields and whatnot. If there is a way for me to directly copy-and-paste that right into the BP profile edit page somehow – or even create fields that can be associated with those liveTV fields – I’ll do that too.

    Thank you again for any help!

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