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Additional buttons in messages

  • @pandragon


    I was looking through the site and haven’t found anything matching what I want.

    Basically for a members inbox I want to have an additional button like the “x” for delete but I want to have a button that is “Mark as abuse” then when a member clicks this it would flag it for admin to block the accused member and IP.

    This buttom I would also like inside “groups, forums” so it would be similar to the “like this” plugin for buddypress but instead its a mark as abuse so that the admin can regulate and take control of the site to ensure members aren’t hammered with spammy or abusive private messages.

    Another option I would like is to only let users who have posted 4 times to have access to private messaging.

    And an option to insert Urls into post/comments/text fields around the buddypress content. I’m not a programmer at all so I can’t figure out how to do any of this to save my soul.

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  • @pandragon


    Also where can I go to remove the yellow notice for forum posting? As i want to disable users from creating groups themselves I only want admin to be able to do this – So far I have gotten rid of create button for normal users but if normal user tries to post in forum the yellow notice comes up and says “why not create a group” which then enables members to make a group – I want to remove this option from the notice for members?



    strange that this feature is not in core yet ?

    – all members are allowed to create Groups.

    – only Admin is allowed to create Groups.



    I dunno Erich :) but all i want is ability to stop scammers making lots of groups with their affiliate ids! :) my industry is cut-throat competition so i expect alot of shonky behavior :( I want a way of moderating my site to protect it from being overrun by dodgy competitors! I spend months researching and writing materials only to have spammers devalue my site so I am hoping there is a solution to provide me more control over whats published across the site! :)



    I’ve just proposed the adding of a new action hook that would make it easy to develop a plugin for this. The action hook is suggested for another purpose, but would work for this purpose as well.

    See – the proposed action is bp_single_forum_topic_links

    If that hook gets incorporated, then writing a plugin to do what you want would be very easy.

    Alternatively, you could also just modify your theme directly, to add it. See the theme file groups/single/forum/topic.php</b> , in the loop:

    while ( bp_forum_topic_posts() ) : bp_the_forum_topic_post();





    trac ticket and patch are here

    whoops – just collided with @Erich73

    anyway, my patch would be for adding links to report posts as abusive, rather than for tackling the issue of group creation



    There is a new plugin I just found called BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts — I haven’t tried it yet, but I plan to. It allows thumbs up/down voting on Forum posts and in the process users receive “karma points” for the quality and frequency of their posts. So, in theory, spammers would get bad karma scores from other users, and you could search for users with bad karma and then delete them.

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