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admin change user profile photo?

  • @jpmoses


    Hi, how can I (as site admin) go about updating the profile photo for another user?

    I know how/where users can update their own profile pics…but how/where can I do it FOR someone?

    Sorry if this is a total noob question… after 97 minutes trying to figure it out and find the answer, I’ve come up answer-less. I inherited BuddyPress installed by someone else and have zero experience with it…so I’m basically at square one an entrenched in total newbie learning curve.

    Any help with this simple question is warmly appreciated. 🙂

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  • @venutius


    There’s no plugin that allows you to do that, but if you’ve got FTP access to your WordPress directories, it’s actually quite a simple task.

    Firstly you need to find out the numeric user id for the person whose profile image you wish to change. I just looked them up in the bp_xprofile_data table using phpAdmin. however if that’s over your head you can go to Dashboard>>Users>>All Users and waive your mouse over that user, you will see the user id in the link address to edit that user, it will be something like …user-edit.php?user_id=17….

    Once you have the user id, go to the wp-content/uploads/avatars directory. If the user already has a profile image there will be a directory with the same number as that user id, if they don’t you can create one.

    Look inside the directories for one of the other users. Inside there you will find two files – ……bpfull.jpg and …….bpthumb.jpg. Download and find the size of these files, then you can create your new profile images, name them something similar (with the same length random string at the front, starting with a number, and that should be it.

    Sorry I don’t have a really simple answer.



    Hi @jpmoses, You can easily change the profile avatar via navigating any member profile and you will have change avatar option.



    So you can lol!



    @venutius it was simple lol 🙂

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