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Admin gets automatically redirected to homepage…

  • @qwindoo


    Hi, I’m facing a rather weird issue with my BuddyPress install:

    When I (logged as an admin) try to view my profile, my messages, my groups… basically anything listed under the “My Account” tab, actually, well I’m systematically redirected to the website’s home page. This does not happen when I’m logged in as any other member: everyone else seems to have access to their profiles.

    I have installed a bunch of plugins, the more important ones being ScholarPress and Members… do you think this could actually be a permissions-related issue?


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  • @mercime


    @Qwindoo that is definitely not the default behavior as you have surmised. Change theme to bp-default and deactivate all plugins except BuddyPress. Then activate your plugins and theme one after another to check which one is triggering the errant behavior.



    Thanks for replying, @mercime ; I already had the default theme, but I deactivated all plugins but BuddyPress, and I still have the exact same issue…

    FYI I run BuddyPress 1.2.8 and WP 3.1.2. Perhaps this bug has been fixed in BP 1.3, what do you think?



    Okay, I installed BP 1.3-bleeding (downloaded from Trac just an hour ago) to test things out, and now whenever I click on a subpage of the “My Account” tab, say “Messages” I get the following error: “The page you were looking for was not found.”

    Any idea?



    == Perhaps this bug has been fixed in BP 1.3, what do you think? ==

    @Qwindoo I haven’t seen any “bug” like this in current BP 1.2.8 at all. Does this happen only on tabs in the users section as well as in dropdown links from BP Admin Bar? Have you tried manually re-uploading your BP files to server?

    == I installed BP 1.3-bleeding (downloaded from Trac just an hour ago) to test things out, ==

    BP 1.3-bleeding should be tested on WP 3.2 rc1. In any case, you would have to resolve your current installation first,



    hi, have just solved this type of problem on my test site. go to Wp dashbord, click on users, at the list of users , change the Admin Email address from ———— to just normal email like yahoo. gmail. etc

    Thats it enjoy

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