@sb0n What theme are you using? Theme demo URL? need the pastebins for your theme’s header.php, index.php, sidebar.php and footer.php files. Initial scan shows that you could possibly get away with creating two files for compatibility instead of revising 16 files, but I want to see the “whole picture” first.
Hey @mercime, thanks for your help !! : )
The other pastebins :
– Header.php : http://pastebin.com/5iK1gpTd
– Index.php : http://pastebin.com/1N4Z9pkx
– Sidebar.php : http://pastebin.com/KFJQdd7G
– Footer.php : http://pastebin.com/zFrvz0Vz
My theme is a child theme (with a lot of changes) of Yoko : http://yoko.elmastudio.de/
Thank you !!
@sb0n please provide code from your content-page.php needed for page.php
@sb0n Based on the HTML structure of your theme, you need to change 16 template files within the 6 BP folders transferred to your yoko theme folder in server during the compatibility process.
code has been updated and posted at http://wp.me/p1I84P-3b
@mercime Thank you so much !! : )
I changed everything and it work like a charm ; except for one thing I’m not sure about :
“Then, in each of 16 files, you’d like to change the BP Templates’ page title’s header tag from
AND move title to above
Just watch out when you do this in the /activity/index.php page.”
When you say “Titles Of Respective BP Page” which part am I supposed to change : “page-entry-header” into “page-entry-registrer” (for instance) or “entry-title” into “entry-register” or both, or neither ?
Also, with the changes everything works except the index.php page of my theme.
Actually, I’d like BP to appear only in a member section, so not directly in my index page, did I miss something / how could I do that ?
Thank you ! 
== Actually, I’d like BP to appear only in a member section, so not directly in my index page, ==
@sb0n The revisions I posted above touched only the 16 template files within 6 template folders transferred to your theme’s folder in the server during the BP compatibility process, not your theme’s index.php page. I would suggest re-uploading your theme’s files manually via FTP as something else might have messed up your theme’s index.php
== changing/moving header tags ==
Sorry about that, code has been updated
@rairai-ni please start a new topic and include the information you posted above. This topic is specific to the Yoko theme.
Thank you very much @mercime, everything is working perfectly now !!
Marking this as resolved.
Hum. I’m sorry to bother you again @mercime but it’s really weird : I had a major bug today (I don’t know why, I was updating my website and then, boom, white screen of death…). I had to re-install WP, BP, and everything else… Fortunately I backed it up yesterday so I didn’t lose anything.
Anyway, I re-uploaded every exact same file, but then, I’ve got a difference in BP : some square (ul / li) are now there…. I don’t get why. Also, the BP integration is but abnormal (a small part on the right side is being hidden now…).
The screenshot showing those little weird square thing… : http://tinypic.com/r/elbfvb/6
The pastebin of the member page shown above : http://pastebin.com/18rd2kq1
The weird thing is, they also appeared on my sidebar (for no apparent reason) : http://tinypic.com/r/2d26bmw/6
Do you have any idea of what is going on ?
Thank you !
Ps : My style.css file on pastebin : http://pastebin.com/TgE8dmPb (could be useful…
@sb0n 1. BuddyPress is not activated per my check of your site.
2. See instruction above:
Copy the style modifications made in BP Twenty Ten at https://codex.buddypress.org/theme-development/theme-dev-bp-template-pack-walkthrough-twenty-ten-bp-1-5/3/ and paste to your theme’s stylesheet. Adjust to taste.
– I may have missed it but I didn’t see the copy of the style mods in your stylesheet.
Hello @mercime,
Again, thank you very much for your precious help !
I did what you told me, but I don’t get it, it’s style not working.
It’s weird though, because the BP Twenty Ten doesn’t show the squares / list-style-type and other bugs : http://tinypic.com/r/2j1n5mg/6 ; but my BP Template packed theme does : http://tinypic.com/r/i4e9md/6
This is the pastebin of the new style.css (I put the BP stuff at the begin) : http://pastebin.com/HJ8tuAEC
What am I missing ?
Thanks !
You should add the BP styles at the bottom/very end (not beginning) of stylesheet.
Well, @mercime, I did it at first (and re-did it right now) it doesn’t seem to change.
I really don’t get why it’s working on the BP Twenty Ten but not with my theme.