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  • Can I use wordpress/buddypress to do the following:

    1. Users join the site
    2. Ability to upload one image and other users comment on it.
    3. HAve friends and followers
    4. Show recent uploads

    Is it possible to do it in wordpress/buddypress? I have been trying various things including buddypress but I am not able to get this simple functionality.

    Once I get this basic functionality I can enhance it more with other features that I need. Please help!

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  • @mercime


    1. Users join the site
    Yes, whether you use BuddyPress or not.

    2. Ability to upload one image and other users comment on it.
    – If you post an image in blog Post/Page – members can comment on the image if you enable comments.
    – If you mean upload image via BuddyPress image plugin, then you should check out the free BP media plugins .
    I have only used BP Gallery (premium) and yes, you can comment on any single image, audio or video upload with this plugin.

    3. Friends and Followers
    Yes. Friends is default install. Followers via BuddyPress Followers plugin

    4. Show recent uploads
    Of images or media, right? In activity stream – not sure about the first two plugins; you have the option to show (or not) recent uploads in activity stream using BP Gallery.
    In a sidebar widget or directory page – I believe all of the 3 mentioned plugins have this capability.

    Regarding uploading images I mean, users should be able to upload “one” photo at a time (not a album).

    Something like with upload option (like facebook or other social network) such that users are able to upload one photo at a time.

    I am unable to get something like this setup.



    1. You don’t require BuddyPress if you just want something like the photoblog site you linked to. You only need
    a. The reflection theme
    b. Yet Another Photoblog Plugin
    c. Allow user registration to your site – at least Contributor level – and instruct users on single image uploads only.

    If you still want to install BuddyPress, the three BuddyPress-compatible gallery/media plugins mentioned above can be configured to limit users to single image uploads at a time.

    I tried Yet Another Photoblog plugin but it doesn’t show anything on the page. The page just come up with the theme and no upload option of anything. How do I go about fixing it?



    Ok. just checked, and just noticed YAPhotoblog plugin is good to WP 2.9.2 only. To resolve issues with that plugin, you should go to forums use same username and password to log in there.

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