I am also having this exact same issue since upgrading. I have also tried a fresh install, deactivating plugins, used BP default theme and still have the same problem as the original poster. I am using WordPress 3.5 and BuddyPress 1.6.2 as well.
I have the same issue, any fix?
Same problem here. WP 3.5 BP 1.6.2. The comment gets posted but the instead of the usual ajax refresh you get a white page with a “0” in the corner??
Confirmed. Investigating.
@djpaul this was the ticket i posted months ago :/
Sorry if we missed it modemlooper, but as an experienced developer of BuddyPress, if we miss anything silly/important like this, shout and scream about it 🙂
Don’t know if this helps you Paul, but I have just replaced the entire wp-admin/admin-ajax.php file with the one from WP 3.4.2 and this seems to have fixed the “0” problem?
Might also be a short term work around for other users.
yes please inform if it is solved, the bug is there with ajax commenting, regards.
It’s fixed in the 1.6 branch and trunk, and we’ll release a fix in the next few days.
Will the fix for this be an update or will it have to be done manually?
@johnjamesjacoby great to hear. Looking forward to the update, thanks!
@furyus-stylez As John said, a new version will be released in the next few days.
Will this fix be in a way of an update via the wordpress plugin directory?
hi there, is the fix ready?
I’m having this issue also.
Closing topic as BP 1.6.3 fixes this.
12 years, 2 months ago
Anyone got this problem after the latest updates on WordPress and BuddyPress?
When I add a new comment to any activity, it will just reload the page showing a blank page with the number 0. Deactivated all the plugings, changed to default BP theme, same issue.
I also downloaded WP and BP and did a fresh install, using the default BP theme, same issue.
When I reload the page the comment is there with a notice “Reply Posted!” but clearly this is not the normal behavior for commenting.
Of course, WP 3.5 and BP 1.6.2