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Amend Members Directory title

  • @davol



    I am running WordPress 3.5.1 with BuddyPress 1.7.2, using WordPress default theme TwentyTwelve with the BuddyPress Template Pack plugin amongst a few other plugins installed.

    I’ve been getting on ok with customising it all but have been struggling for literally a couple of hours trying to remove the word ‘Directory’ from the auto-generated title ‘Members Directory’. Logically I thought it was the line of code (line 21):

    <h3><?php _e( ‘Members Directory’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></h3>

    found within /wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/members/index.php

    I switched it to:

    <h3><?php _e( ‘Members’, ‘buddypress’ ); ?></h3>

    However no change reflects in the front end. I’ve also tried adding extra test lines of code in various ‘out of the loop’ parts of both this page and members-loop.php but nothing works. I’ve tried googling and looking through the forum as this is just a straight HTML title, its not hyperlinked.

    What am I missing?

    Could it be some sort of caching issue, or is there some sort of code that needs going in a functions file?

    url is:

    Thanks for any help on this…

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  • @henrywright-1


    Instead of editing the text strings in the core or you theme’s files, you can use a language translation file. It makes life much easier:



    Hi Henry,

    Thanks for your reply…

    I did look at the page that you sent the link for quite a few times. It does seem overly complicated just for removing a non hyperlinked word. Is this definitely what I need to do in respect of a page title? I am not wanting to change any page urls which seems to be what the examples on the page you sent are referring to.




    You certainly don’t have to set up a localisation file if changing the odd heading in BuddyPress is all you need to do.

    That said – The benefits of having a localisation file in place are huge (i can name some if you like..?) and it isn’t difficult to set one up if you follow the tutorial on that page.

    Going back to your method of editing your theme’s files – try making the exact same change in file:


    If that change works then you haven’t set up your child theme properly.



    @davol Why are you using the bp-default theme by way of the template pack plugin, the whole thrust of BP 1.7 was to provide theme compatibility, template pack plugin ought to be considered redundant now for new sites/themes.

    You should really remove those copied directories and the plugin and just let theme compat take over. If you need to modify templates then you copy them into /my-theme/community/members/index.php

    */community/ or /buddypress/



    @hnla i’m going to start using theme compat post 1.8 as i need the template hierarchy stuff you’ve been working on. Can’t wait for that!



    Start using it in testing if possible Henry ( assuming your not just referring to production sites 🙂 ), feedback from people like yourself that grasp things is invaluable to the project, you may well spot an issue that’s passed the rest of us by



    will do! i’ll get started on it this weekend and post on Trac if I come across any issues.

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