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Any way to have Buddypress not a Network wide plugin?

  • @jwind


    I don’t want it on all my sites, only on one in fact.

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  • @modemlooper


    It only works on one blog on a multisite installation. The login data is WP user data so that works across all blogs but the actual BP theme/ site attaches to the first blog. If you want to have is separated, like on a url then you need to change some settings.



    I think maybe I was unclear. Here is my set up with WordPress 3.0 is a multisite installation. It’s also the blog page. I have a number of contributes who’s posts are either syndicated there via RSS or via Manual Posting.

    I have a secondary site that i’ve used the domain mapping plugin in order to manage a separate domain. ( I DON’T want the Buddypress install on this site. Is that possible?



    If you install BP it will install on the main blog. It will not install on other blogs in a MU installation. You can only have it installed on one blog at a time. BuddyPress is very much tied to a theme. So if your main site doesn’t have a BP enabled theme then you really don’t even see it as you need special template files to output BP content



    It is installed on the main site and consequently the blog. However, the buddypress admin bar is visible on the other sites…



    The one thing that is truly network-wide about BuddyPress is that posts from every blog on the network will get tracked in the activity stream by default. If you turn off blog tracking (Dashboard > BuddyPress > Component Setup) then it’ll be functionally equivalent to having BP installed on a single blog. If you want to exclude single blogs, you could write a little plugin that unhooks the bp_blogs activity actions, and activate it on the blogs that you don’t want tracked.



    Well, the admin bar propagates through all sites no matter what theme I have activated. I’m sure I can find a way to disable that, just wasn’t sure if there was a way via the GUI.

    That, and all the registration links lead to the site that is installed in the main directory. This isn’t likely a BP thing but a shared DB thing I suspect?



    You can turn off the admin bar easily. there is info on customizing components and such. Forgot activity registers blog posts from other sites.



    Ya, i know. But I want it there for the main site. Easily taken care of with CSS or a function… Thanks for the help. I’m getting there.



    Removing adminbar in blogs except where BP is installed – see this. Add opening `<?php` and replace BP_ROOT_BLOG with id # of blog where BP is installed.



    The above (remove admin bar on all but BP site) did not work for me…see

    It appears that $current_site->blog_id is always equal to 1 on my site, no matter which site I’m on. Ideas?

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