I can verify this. Has used buddypress before and when installing the installationguide created and assigned pages. Now I got nothing and was trying to figure out what to do. Found this thread so I am not alone.
Ok I see now that we use urls only. This is probably clever, but tricky to keep track of. Perhaps beginner time to adjust to it 🙂👍
I have the same issue. I created some pages from Buddy Press and those pages were visible in WP in the pages section. Now I can only see the pages I created in WP and I don’t know how to manage the BP related pages (add/ delete them and modify).
@adri1987 BuddyPress v12 has introduced them as a custom post type, and regular mapped pages have been removed. You can now find a new section named ‘BuddyPress Directories’ in the menu to add them to your website’s menu. Please refer to the following document for more information.
Thank you so much, you’re my hero, those documents are really helpful!