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Attempted language changes changes not working

  • @panosa1973


    Hi all,
    I’m running WordPress 4.9.5, BuddyPress 2.9.4, with Agama Blue child theme.

    I want to change some wording in my labels/tabs and I went through the steps described in Customizing labels, messages and URLs with no results. The main thing I’m trying to accomplish is change “Friends” to “Connections” in all labels, tabs, messages, notifications etc.

    This is what I did:
    1. I opened the POT file in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/buddypress.pot, made a copy of the file and renamed it to buddypress-en_US.po.
    2. I edited the fields I wanted with PoEdit and saved it.
    3. I generated a .mo file.
    4. I uploaded both .po and .mo files to /wp-content/languages/plugins/
    5. I used the WPT Custom Mo File plugin as described.

    Nothing happens. Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance for your time.

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  • @panosa1973


    I also switched to the default theme but no luck.



    Did you try unloading your other plugins?



    @panosa1973 try to use loco translate plugin, it will allow you to translate within the dashboard and you can also sync and decide part with it.



    @venutius and @vapvarun,
    Thank you for responding. I followed your advice but still nothing. Where does BuddyPress get the language from? Maybe I can edit the original file and see if that works. If that’s even a possibility.

    Thank you.



    I think the issue here is that there’s not only single pace you can go to change all these aspects of the site, but certainly the custom MO route should allow you to change a lot of them.

    Can I just check, how many times did you replace ‘friends’ in the custom MO file? It’s must have been quite a few times.

    I’d not recommend editing the core files, they’d be over-written with the next update, also friends appears in a lot of places and in a lot of contexts, I’d not recommend changing that unless you really knew what you were doing and were creating a new fork of BuddyPress. I’d certainly not be able to tell you that.



    Yes, you’re right. It took me a while to replace all instances of Friend/s with Connection/s.
    I have to do that though so I’ll keep digging. Not sure why this isn’t working.

    Thanks for your time.



    It’s got to be a conflict of some sort somewhere, translations are usually very reliable from my experience.



    Probably. I’ll post it here if I figure out.
    Thanks again.



    @panosa1973 try to delete all the instance where you have saved language files and save as fresh at the following path

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