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Auto Join Group when registering

  • Sherry22


    I know that there is the plugin Group-o-matic but I wondered if there are options to specify email naming conventions so that when someone registers IF their email meets one of the specified email names then they will be joined to a specific group. (from what I know about Group-o-matic, only 1 criteria can be set)

    i.e. Say I have Queens and Loyalist College Groups
    if someone registers and they have a valid queens university email address they will be joined to the Queens group.
    if someone registers and they have a valid Loyalist College email address they will be joined to the Loyalist College group.

    The purpose of setting my forum up like this is to eliminate the need to manually “click to allow” people to join the various groups.

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  • danbp


    Depends if you’re able to code. In this case, you could add a user check like
    $user = get_user_by( 'email', '' ); to this snippet, provided by @imath in replacement of the mentionned outdated plugin. An other one, bp auto group join, is also outdated.

    Caution: i just read through the snippet and it seems possible to me. But i can’t help you to achieve this.



    thanks for the response. I understand the code above but I’m not sure how I reference the groups so that if a address = Queens then the auto join would happen 🙁

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