You could hide the “Create a Blog” section on the registration page, which would mean that blog creation will be checked by default.
Add the following to your CSS file:
#blog-or-username {display:none;}
Would that make the default value for the blog creation the user’s username?
No, they would see the same screen on the registration page, but when the user hits “Next”, the second page will allow the user to customize their blog (name of blog, etc.).
Thanks r-a-y; after a bit of tweaking, I got the result that I wanted. Innovative approach to the fix.
Hey Dewey,
Do you mind sharing your fix with us?
I put this in my custom.css:
#blog-or-username, #blog-details-fields label, #blog-details-fields input,
#blog-details-fields span, #blog-details-fields p,
#blog-details-help, #blog-details-fields br {display:none;}
#blog-details-fields span.suffix_address {
display: block;
color: #eee;
#blog-details-fields span.suffix_address:after {
content: "Please choose a name for your blog and click Signup to complete registration.";
display: block;
color: #555;
input#blog_title {display:block;}
Basically, this changed the dialog to “Please choose a name for your blog and click Signup to complete registration.”. This way, the user could still select the name for the blog, but was never prompted to create the blog and the subdomain of the blog is the user’s username.
Not a perfect fix, but it works.
Ahh gotcha.
I thought you made an elaborate PHP coding hack! 
Be careful with the CSS content attribute.
As you know, <IE8 will not like that!
So, any idea on how to do the exact opposite?
I don’t want my users to be able to create blogs at the registration point, but I do not want to turn the blog feature completely off, as they should still be able to create blogs at later stages from within the Buddypress interface.
Any good approaches?
I think, at this point, that you would have to go in and edit the file used during registration. This isn’t a good method, though, because that means when BuddyPress updates, your changes will be overwritten.