I am having lots of problems, first noticed that I couldn’t upload a personal avatar, then noticed:
– unable to create a group
– unable to upload new group avatars
– unable to post replies to my forum
– unable to post new topics on forum
Before I noticed any of the above, I did successfully:
– create a default group
– create one post to the forum
– upload images and insert them into a page
It is a new MU site with blogs as sub dirs. I’ve not really lost anything if I start over again, but it would be nice to figure out what is causing it.
I’ve looked at file and folder ownership on the server and all are owned by the domain name. All chmodded to 755 for folders and did try to change to 777 then test, but no joy so put back to 755.
Any thoughts?
Hey there, I haven’t seen a reply here yet, but I did look a bit more into the issue. What I checked is that the root of the directory that BP is trying to create points to “/var/www/” and this is not how my server structure works.
I believe this is a default setting that can somehow be changed. Is there a way to change it?
This, more than likely, isn’t a BP issue, and BP just piggybacks on WP’s settings. More than likely this is an issue where WP Multisite hasn’t been set up properly, of possibly an issue with your PHP install.
How would I go about starting to check up on my multisite set up?
This may also be a problem with your hosting. Make sure to set the correct permissions in your wp-content folder.
Nevermind! I was actually able to fix it by going into wp-config.php and making sure that the BP_ROOT_BLOG was set up with the right blog ID. I had a ‘9’ instead of a ’10’ 
You can add the following line to your wp-config.php file the tell WP where your wp-content folder is located.
`define( ‘WP_CONTENT_DIR’, ‘/path/to/your/wp-content’ );`
Make sure you leave off the trailing slash. That may fix things, and it’s an easy fix/test.
I actually was able to fix it as well with your code. I tried it, but I think I’ll stick with just putting in the correct BP_ROOT_BLOG value for the site I’m running.
Now the only other issue that’s been cramping my style is the fact that the BuddyPress admin bar is overlapping on the wp-admin dashboard on all sites within my network.
Hi friends, can you help me? i have an problem with avatars on my buddypress multisite. All is fina and the avatars are upload and show well on main blog of community, but whem i go to another blog created the avatar is missing.Seems like there the avatars are on wrong url
for main site if i click and see the url of the avatar is this: sitedomain/wp-content/uploads/avatars
but in the blogs created, where the avatars aren’t show sucesfull the url is: sitedomain/avatars,
so here is missing /wp-content/uploads.
What’s the problem o How i can fix this problem
I’m running actually the latest versions from both, wordpress and buddypress…
Having the same problem as sienteastu – anyone have a solution to this?