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BBPress Keymaster Lost after integration / WP 3.0.1 – BP – BB

  • @itomizer


    Hey there, I had an integrated WP + BB website, then I installed also BuddyPress and used it for a while, everything integrated, using BB as forum engine for BP too.

    I then decided to get rid of BP and now I just want to go back to my initial configuration of WP + BB, using the same old DB that still contains BB forum posts.

    Everything is working and the user integration still works, but I have the damn “keymaster lost” problem: My admin user can’t access the BB Admin in any way.

    I’ve tried all the solutions proposed around on the internet, changed my capabilities on the DB to `a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}` etc.. no way.

    If I try to access the /bb-admin area it redirects me to the root.. and there’s no “admin” link near my profile name.

    My tables have different prefix:

    `$bb_table_prefix = ‘wp_bb_’;`

    I just have WP_USERMETA table as the integration is already done..

    What’s the meta key I have to set?!?

    I’ve tried “wp_capabilities”, “wp_bb_capabilities” and “bb_capabilities”, but no-way.. no admin access for my user.

    I’ve also tried to create new users and assign the keymaster.. same thing, no admin access.

    Maybe Buddypress changed something that I have to reset?

    Please help! :)

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