First thing that I had to do was delete all cookies and login to BuddyPress fresh.
Things to double check:
1.) You’ve correctly added the keys in both config files.
2.) You’ve installed and correctly configured both necessary plugins, one on each side.
3.) Check the names of your cookies in Firefox and make sure the wordpress_ cookies all have the same string of text behind them. If not, your keys in your config files are wrong.
4.) You’ve modified both config files with all the little extra things they need done to them.
Would I have to put the salts in the BBpress config file also? They’re not there at present.
Yes sir.
The way the guide suggests to do it is actually a good way also.
Delete ALL the salts and keys from your wp-config.php file, visit the Site Admin area of your WordPressMU install, and you’ll get a warning saying you need to add the salts, and it will auto suggest them.
Copy those into your wp-config.php file, and then copy those same keys, put them in your bb-config.php file, but put “BB_” in front of each key name.
define( 'BB_NONCE_KEY'...,
define( 'BB_AUTH_KEY'...,
define( 'BB_AUTH_SALT'...,
define( 'BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY'...,
define( 'BB_LOGGED_IN_SALT'...,
define( 'BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY'...,
define( 'BB_SECURE_AUTH_SALT'...,
Also don’t forget to put whatever the recommended cookie path settings are in each *-config.php file…
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
define('COOKIEPATH', '/');
As those will determine which directory the cookies are for.
Right, I’ve done points 1 to 4, added the salts and added the COOKIE_DOMAIN & COOKIEPATH bits to both config files. I also added a cookie hash which the tutorial said to do. How I got the cookie hash is another story – the tute said to look at the cookies in firefox to see what the number after them would be, like this ‘wordpress_267dtwia78rfn5403n’ when I went in to look at my cookies the looked like this ‘wordpress_’ so i took the nearest number from a PHPSESSID cookie for my site – now, this is probably the stupidest thing I’ve done all day – so please let me know if it is. Also If you could let me know if there’s any other way of finding out the cookiehash.
Sorry to waste anyones time
No no it’s totally cool, we’re here to help 
The reason your cookies didn’t have the hash at the end was because you didn’t have the salts in both config files.
1. Remove the hash you put in your config file.
2. Put matching salts in both config files.
3. Go into your cookies and delete ALL of them for your domain.
4. Revisit your site, find the cookie with the hash, put that hash in your wp-config file.
5. Then delete ALL the cookies from the domain again, login again, and see if it works.
Hi John,
I’ve tried this and it didn’t work, it just makes me unable to login. I had this same problem earlier in the day until I used that PHPSESSID cookie. I’d be appreciative if you could email me on phil {at} reprocessor dot com so that I can send you a screenshot – I think it may be the way that firefox is presenting cookies (It’s alot different to the last version of FF I used and that’s only a jump from 3.04 to 3.06.)
As I said, any help at all would be greatly appreciated, as it’s driving me up the wall!
Yeah it’s frustrating when things don’t work the way you want them to, that’s for sure.
You can email me at spam (at) johnjamesjacoby (dot) com and I’ll get it right away.
I can verify that the way the cookies are presented hasn’t changed in Firefox versions as I’ve had integration going on a few platforms since 2.0x.
We’ll get this figured out, just gotta figure out what we’re missing.
Thanks John, email on its way
Got it, finishing up a project now. Will check it out asap.
Hi John,
I GOT IT! Eventually LOL.
I did a bit of digging on the forums and saw this thread – I didn’t realise I needed to be logged in to both BP & BBPress to do this. Once I saw DJpaul’s first post on this thread the penny dropped.
Thank you for all your help – everything works a treat now!
Best regards,
Hi After reading this I believe I am getting closer to the problem:
1) My buddypress is at but I have not added anything to define(\’COOKIE_DOMAIN\’, \’\’); I suppose I need to add define(\’COOKIE_DOMAIN\’, \’\’);
2) A new problem: I have lost my keymaster/administrator ability at bbpress. Can you tell me how to fix this?
3) I will tell you about my other cookie issues as soon as I have a fix for this.