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bbPress User Profile vs. Buddypress User Profile

  • rewindcaz


    I recently noticed the bbPress User Profiles still exist even though Buddypress replaces it with their own profile system & url.

    So there are two profile pages per user:

    bbPress profile:
    BuddyPress profile:

    Fortunately since all user links are redirected to the Buddypress profile, I’ve never actually found a link that goes to the old bbPress profiles. However it would be nice if they either didn’t exist at all or redirected you to the buddypress version when trying to access.

    Has anyone implemented their own way of handling this? Or did I overlook something basic for dealing with this?

    Would be great to hear about this!

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  • danbp


    BP, bbP or WP user are all registered in the same DB table: wp_users

    I’ve never actually found a link that goes to the old bbPress profiles

    You expect something other ? And if they don’t exist, they cannot redirect.

    If you havee other questions about bbp/bp forum, read here first. 🙂

    Renato Alves


    @danbp I’m sorry, I think he expects only one URL.

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