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bbPress version and updating

  • @johnnywallah


    The current version of bbPress is 2.0.2

    Which version is included in the 1.5.1 BuddyPress download and how do you update the bbPress component once it is installed and activated within BuddyPress?

    Many thanks – I expect it is a stupid question.

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  • @djpaul


    bbPress 1.1 is bundled with BuddyPress 1.5.1. You don’t need to touch that version of bbPress, in terms of updating it. We’ll take care of any bbPress 1.x updates by bundling it with a new version of BuddyPress.

    bbPress 2.x will run alongside BuddyPress — just activate the bbPress plugin as normal.



    Thank you Paul for the very prompt reply.

    I take it you mean that if you run bbPress within BuddyPress, just leave it alone and it will be updated along with any new versions of BuddyPress as they come along – or use a new version of bbPress as a separate plugin.

    I take it you cannot just drop bbPress 2.0.2 into the bbPress folder of BuddyPress and fire it up?

    Thanks again.



    I see what you mean now.

    However, I installed bbPress 2.0.2 through the WordPress installer but could not find the bb-config.php required for the installation. It does not seem to be there at all.

    When I went to settings, forum – as instructed by the readme in bbPress – it threw a 500 server error and I could not do anything until I re-started the server.

    I think it will be easier to just stick with the 1.x version.

    Thanks anyway.



    @johnnywallah see the difference between internal bbPress (group forums) and the bbPress plugin (sitewide forums)

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