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Being added to Groups before being accepted

  • @dswd


    I have read the following and it does not go into full detail for what I need;

    This is the scenario.

    1) User A creates private group

    2) User A sends invite to user B

    3) User B receives notification of group invitation.

    (this is where it gets interesting)

    4) User B sees that they have a group invitation notification and goes to the group page

    5) User B then notices that the page still says “Request Membership”

    6) User B goes to notifications and notices the notification, does not click accept

    7) User B goes back to group page and is now a member

    8) User B goes back to notification page and still has notification.

    I have duplicated up until 6

    My notification is removed from notification page

    Any thoughts?

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  • @mercime


    @dswd tested on install with WP 3.6 beta 3, with plugins – BuddyPress trunk and bbPress trunk – and Twenty Twelve theme. Steps #1 through #6 are the same for me. For step 7, when I go back to groups, I am not a member of that group yet. Done this with 7 other regular users and I get the same results – not a member of that group unless I click on the accept button.

    My test installations at this point are all on trunk and I have not received any reports about this issue in live sites – probably because they click on “Accept” button right away instead of wandering from group to profile to group 🙂

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