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blank page for all wpmu (admin and site) when activating another theme than the default one

  • @aphrodite


    1. WPMU 2.9.2
    2. WP/MU as a directory
    3. root directory
    4. new install
    5. everything works well with default theme
    6. BP 1.2.3
    7. new install
    8. plugins : advertising management
    9. tring to use cosmicbuddy or any other theme and that is the problem
    10. Have you modified the core files in any way? NO !!!!
    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php? NO !
    12. My BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in
    13. no error traced !!!!
    14. myself on dedicated server

    Well, the problem is simple : BP works fine with the default theme. As I want to use any other BP theme, like cosmicbuddy, Ines ou skyper, immediatly comes a blank page, in the admin AND on the site. I must put reading rights on the the folder in order to reactivate de WPMU default the and access to the admin !

    This is just unerderstable !

    Any tips ?

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