Submit this as an enhancement suggestion on with a milestone of “1.2.1” please. You can use your username and password from this site.
Has anyone come up with a good way for tackling this yet?
Is the method that @apeatling used in the bp-groups-externalblogs plugin a possibility? That does the good job of incorporating the sub-blog name into the activity stream
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The topic ‘Blog Post/Comment show blog title in Activity Stream’ is closed to new replies.
15 years, 1 month ago
I just thought it would be necissary to display the blog name/title in an activity stream.
For example, lets say a guy named Joe Shmo, decided to go to a sub-blog on
Joe sees an interesting blog post and he decides to comment.
Within the Activity stream on his profile at
it displays:
Joe Shmo commented on the blog post Hello world!
What I want is so that when Joe makes a comment, it posts something like this:
Joe Shmo commented on the blog post Hello world! on the blog Sub-Blog
If you hover over the “Sub-Blog” link, it should be a link to the sub-blog.