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BP-12. – BP Classic

  • @giszech


    Hi BuddyPress Team,

    I had installed Buddypress 11.4 > I have created the community Page and wrote in the Subtitle “page is under construction” and published the site to monitor myself how it works> Then came the update to Buddypress 12. > I could not see the pages any longer in the “dashboard > pages”. But I wanted to edit the page and remove the “under construction”. As the page were not visible I created a new one and linked Buddypress Community on this link. – But the very first page with the “under construction” info was still displayed.

    Then I installed BP Classic to keep the pages editable.

    I use AVADA theme and WooCommerce Membership – all last update and WP 6.4.2. When I want to restrict the content in WooCommerce Membership I cannot assign the new pages but only the very first with the “under construction” subtitle.

    What would happen, if I deinstall the Buddypress 12 and BP Classic and install BP 12 again?.
    As I am still developing the Buddypress I don’t have any activities of members, only a lot of configurations in different third party Buddypress plugins.

    Best regards

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  • @vapvarun


    @giszech Delete old BuddyPress pages with “under construction” subtitle to avoid conflicts with the new setup after activating BP Classic. You can deactivate BP Classic after that.
    in BP v12, these pages are not required anymore.



    Hi Varun,
    Thank you for your answer – but I cannot delete the pages “under construction” they are not visibly but they are still linked in the WooCommerce Membership Tool.

    What would happen, if I deinstall the Buddypress 12 and BP Classic and install BP 12 again? Would the Plugins which I have already configured crash down?
    As I am still developing the Buddypress I don’t have any activities of members, only a lot of configurations in different third party Buddypress plugins. Would I have to delete them too?

    Best wishes



    @giszech, you can protect them using a custom post-type approach instead of pages.
    inside the restriction section, you will find a new option inside the dropdown
    like Post, Pages, BuddyPress Directories



    Hi Varun,

    I cannot protect them using a custom post-type – I have found the new option “BuddyPress Directories” inside the dropdown menu inside the restriction section. Exactly there were the BuddyPress linked to the very first pages which have been removed from the Dashboard > Pages when I updated to BuddyPress 12 and which did not return when I installed BP Classic. I have no access to this very first pages but they seem to be still somewhere in the system.

    What would happen, if I deinstall the Buddypress 12 and BP Classic and install BP 12 again without BP Classic and start from scratch? What would happen to the other BuddyPress plugins which I have already configured. Would I have to delete and install them too? Would the Plugins crash down?
    As I am still developing the Buddypress I don’t have any activities of members, only a lot of configurations in different third party Buddypress plugins. Would I have to delete them too?

    Best wishes



    Hi Varun,
    I have now reinstalled the entire BuddyPress with all Plugins. Now I have only Buddypress 12.2 without BP Classic.

    But I have a problem with restricted content. I want to restrict access to community directories only for users who have purchased in WooCommerce a specific membership, and exclude all, which have only registered on the Buddy-Press registration form.
    I am working with WooCommerce Membership and added in the Dashboard > WooCommerce > Memberships > Membership Plan under the option “BuddyPress Directories” the directories for the community and aktivities. But it doesn’t work and doesn’t restrict the access to the content when anybody who has no assigned membership wants to open the community member list or activity-list.
    When I assign a restricted content to different membership types it has not impact on the access to BuddyPress community and activity directories. BuddyPress only reacts on the difference of “logged in” or “not logged in”.

    Best wishes

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