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BP breaks OP2 pages (a CSS issue)

  • @gcbz



    I have OptimizePress 2.0 (OP2) on my website gcbz(dot)com and BP installed. The pages I created through PageBuilder with OP2 will somehow make my page aligned to the left instead of full width (fluid/responsive). When I disable BPress theme, it does work with full width, unlike when BP is activated, 2 CSS files added and make the width 1250 which is what I don’t want (at least pages build by OP2).

    I check via inspect element on my Chrome browser and the 2 css that adds on the header (when BP enabled) somehow adds these 2 CSS, default.css & responsive.css

    I have BP activated via a child theme I created, what would be the fix to solve the issue of NOT including the 2 css so that it will not break pages build in OP2?

    The example is here: http://www.gcbz(dot).com/sttm/

    I’ll appreciate any inputs from this awesome forum. Thanks!

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  • @gcbz


    currently editing my OP2 sitewide css to
    body {max-width:100%; width:100%}

    it works but breaks the BP css too (the content expands soo wide) 🙁



    @gcbz BuddyPress is commpatible with nearly all WP themes. Other WP themes have their own proprietary templating system (instead of WP’s loop with the_title and the_content in the theme’s page.php file) which trips BP’s theme compatibility process.

    One way to address the issue is by creating a new file named buddypress.php which would be a custom template for all BP content in your site. You’d need to copy the content of your theme’s page.php file and paste it into buddypress.php; then change proprietary template tags to the_title and the_content within the WP loop. After you’re done upload buddypress.php file into your theme’s folder in server.

    Theme Compatibility & Template Files

    Or you could customize each BP component in detail

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