I’d argue the only core developer is Andy Peatling, and looking at his Twitter feed, he’s been out of (his) country for the last couple of weeks.
There’s a number of tickets with patches from others, but only Andy can merge them into the core. Likewise, the forum has been very busy and there’s not been massive amounts of “answer” posts. I guess we’re just in a bit of a quiet period.
Now that 1.1.1 is out, and BuddyPress as a whole is becoming more stable, we’re seeing a little bit of a shift from core development to real world support and testing.
Andy runs the show and the rest of us react to the findings and feedback of the community to try and patch and contribute as much as we can. I second DJPaul on the quiet period, it’s a welcome change.
I’m working on sleeping and enjoying life. Oh, and I need Andy to look at and test out the Privacy Component. Once I know it is in his hands, I’ll sleep even better!
Sleep? Oh, way to let the team down dude
Thanks a lot for your feedback guys !
YOU are the most imortant BP-developer now ! 
Hardly waiting for your Privacy Component…….
Thanks again,
Well, I appreciate the sentiment but I do not consider myself the most important. That is why I’m sleeping now. 
To reconfirm what both Paul and John said above, Andy is the only official core BP developer. There are no other official core developers at this time. The rest of us play our various roles, trying to pitch in where we think we’ll have some positive impact.
From those who file bug tickets and offer patches, to those who create new plugins and themes, and to those who answer questions in the forums and IRC, it is truly the contributions of the overall community that make and will continue to make BuddyPress a strong product.
I’m on holiday myself. Know that there are a few tickets with my name on them.
But I need a break from 70hr weeks…
I know all the BP guys work hard!
Back to sleep, Zzzz….