Is this gonna fixed in BuddyPress?
I’mmmmm Back! …lol.. ok so checking on BP ..been keeping my faith ..but i still cant get my gavatar to show (yes email etc is correct, I am on 100s of blog via gavatar) ..Why is this on BP?
and again I try to upload an avatar via my computer and i get this error >> Upload Failed! Error was: Unable to create directory /home/buddypress/public_html/wpmu/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/5009. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
Why does BP hate me?
Well, is blogs.dir writable by the server? (both file owner and file permissions)
Hi Paul and thanks for replying..
I am talking about they arent showing here at BP ..noitce my avatar is generic ..its not my gavatar or one i am trying to upload here
Are you talking about uploading an avatar to buddypress.org?
If so, that’s a known bug on the site.
However, you can set your gravatar at gravatar.com and buddypress.org should pick it up.
Hi Ray
Yes, I mean here at buddypress.org neither my gavatar shows here nor can i upload an avatar to buddypress.org
My gavatar is set http://en.gravatar.com/caferg ..and shows at many websites that use gavatar, including wordpress.com ..why not here at buddypress.org.
I know this has been a an issue/bug here at BP ..this topic is over 3 months old. But isnt it time its fixed? It may seem trivial but sometimes its the small errors that affect the larger errors.
On a secondary note ..all these generic avatars makes BP look unprofessional. (thats meant to be helpful).
Thanks again 
why cant i “still” upload my own avatar ..or why doesnt BP still not use my “gavatar”?
this the error message i get when i try to upload my own avatar..
Upload Failed! Error was: Unable to create directory /home/buddypress/public_html/wpmu/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/5009. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
Keeping the faith,