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BP Member Role Not Listed

  • Hi, I have a website running bbpress and buddypress, first i had bbpress installed then later I installed buddypress now my problem is in wordpress i would like to set the default registration role to member but it doesn’t show member it shows:
    administrator, editor, author, subscriber, contributor, forum moderator, forum participant

    I deactivated bbpress and it still doesn’t show the bp member role, and now new members who register on the website are not show on the bp members page, does anyone know how i can fix this?

    Site Config:
    bbpress 2.0.2
    buddypress 1.5.5
    wordpress 3.3.2 (single installation)

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  • franzkalibre



    I am having the same problem… I dont have the member role in the list

    has anyone have the solution into this problem?


    I have found the solution.. just completely delete buddypress and install a new one…

    Didn’t work for me, right now i’m stuck with the bbpress role (Forum Participant) but seems to be working for now.

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