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BP Members and Groups widgets with small thumbnail size images?

  • @simple-man



    Check out dnvoice. com site.

    The members and groups widgets are displyaing BIG images. This is taking lots of space in the site and also in mobile version of the site.

    How can I have smaller thumbnail size images in a widget showing about 25 members or groups in a small square area.

    I have seen many sites showing a bunch of members with thumnail images in a small square area in side bar or in page.

    For some reason I am not able to find such widget.
    Please advise where can I find members and groups widgets with smaller thumbnail sized images.

    Thank you.

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  • @mercime


    @simple-man BP’s default style for the Member and Group widget avatars have been superseded by your theme’s style where it changed the avatar’s width to auto in one area and in another area, changed it to max-width: 100%. You can add the following to the stylesheet of your child theme

    .widget.buddypress ul.item-list img.avatar {
    width: 20px;



    @mercime thank you. I will try it soon.



    Ok, I made the change.

    I am wondering if members and groups widgets are correctly displayed now, such as:

    1. Is it supposed to be one member or one group per row (like it displays currently)?
    2. Is the member or group name text correct size or do I need to change something?

    Thank you.

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