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BP Notifications: Mark as Read

  • niclovelace


    When in the Notifications panel under the Actions column the user is given two options: Read | Delete

    I would like to change the word “Read” to “Mark as read”. I’ve found where the word is defined in the bp-notifications-template.php but I’m not sure how or where I would need to redefine that phrase so it shows “Mark as read” instead of “Read”.

    Our users are really struggling with this as their first instinct is to click on the word “Read” to open to notification and read it and are surprised when the notification disappears.

    Thanks for any help you can give me as I’ve spent many hours trying to get this figured out.


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  • Varun Dubey


    @niclovelace BuddyPress is translation ready and you can simply use Loco Translate plugin to translate any terms with the desired one from the plugin options.
    No need to modify any codes.

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