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BP Profile Search refine

  • @kansas3d



    is it possible to refine the search for buddypress?
    I would like to have on the widget sidebar more options to choose after I got some search results.

    E.g. when I’m searching for someone in a special city and get the results it would be great to refine it without doing a new search and putting in the same information again plus the new refining.

    As an example would be on the right side of
    I think it works with the plugin buddypress-user-account-type-pro.

    Is that possible maybe with bp-profile-search? If not maybe with another plugin?

    Besides that it would be great if the search could exist twice. On for one user group (e.g. teacher) and one for another user group (e.g. students). Would this be possible too? Maybe if the search is integrated in different Pages?

    Thanks a lot

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  • @ignatiusjeroe


    The site youve mentioned is using ‘bp-profile-search’.
    BTW im building a premium search form builder for the Members Directory, called ‘BuddySearch’. The plugin allows you to build your own custom search form. Would you be interested in something like this?



    Thank you ignatiusjeroe for your response!

    Yes of course would be great I’m totally interested in BuddySearch 🙂




    I’ll keep you posted



    Thanks 🙂



    Me too!
    Very Interested!



    Thank you for your interest. I’m about to launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise the money needed to fund the last phase of the project. It’s about 70% done. For the enthusiastic people who back me will receive a free copy of the premium version along with one year upgrade and support.

    I’ll post some images of the plugin ASAP also a link to the kickstarter page.
    I would really appreciate you guys spreading the word through FB, twitter and word of mouth to get the buzz going.
    BuddyPress deserves a powerful, highly customizable profile search form. Buddypress is meant to bring people together. Ironically it doesnt do a very good job at helping members of your site connect to one another. The rather simplistic search engine that comes with BP just doesnt cut it for most buddypress site users.

    BuddySearch is COMING!

    BuddySearch – Searches done right.



    Im looking for Beta testers for my BP search form builder: BuddySearch. It will be done within a couple of days. And before uploading it to WP i’d like people to test it out. For you participation you also get the premium plugin for free.
    you can email me at: ignatiusjeroe @ gmail . com

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