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[Resolved] BP Reinstall Messing with Multisite

  • @lehn6


    I have a multisite network set up and had Buddypress installed on, as in that subsite was where the BP install was placed rather than the main site (mainly to match the theme of the subsite in the BP user directory) UserPro plugin was added and network activated, then subsite1 was improperly deleted which caused white screen of death to the main site and network admin dash, but left all other subsites up and running fine with dashes accessible. The site was handed over to a freelancer for troubleshooting, got back the admin dash but received jquery login errors, which were subsequently resolved by the freelancer. Now I have all dashes back and all sites back except the deleted subsite, and have uninstalled UP and all its related plugins (compatibility issues with BP to figure out at a later date) and am looking to install BP to the main site and network activate. When I go to do that I find that as soon as I network activate BP the network admin dash and the main site dash are basically the same, where it says I am in the main site dash but none of the pages or posts are displayed. If I go to the network admin dash I cannot delete plugins, just as if it were the site admin dash instead. Any ideas of how to fix so I can regain BP functionality on my network? I do need to keep the multisite at this point.

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  • @mercime


    @lehn6 For clarity, let’s go over some points you made above.

    >> I have a multisite network set up and had Buddypress installed on, as in that subsite was where the BP install was placed

    So do you have something like this in your wp-config.php:
    define ( 'BP_ROOT_BLOG', $blog_id ); where $blog_id is a the ID number of your subsite

    >> UserPro plugin was added and network activated, then subsite1 was improperly deleted

    Do you mean subsite1 was deleted by you or developer? How was it deleted? Do you have a database backup of your site before subsite1 was deleted?

    >> looking to install BP to the main site and network activate. When I go to do that I find that as soon as I network activate BP the network admin dash and the main site dash are basically the same, where it says I am in the main site dash but none of the pages or posts are displayed.

    How are the network admin dashboard and main site dashboard the same? Do you mean you have no access anymore to the Network Admin menus? vs Can you post a screenshot?



    Oh my gosh, I never checked the config file to change it back from the subsite!!! As soon as I changed the root blog for BP to site 1 there seems to be no more wonkiness. Aaagh, I’m so happy it was such an easy thing. Not happy it was driving me crazy for days lol. Yay, thanks! 🙂



    @lehn6 Cool! Marking this topic as resolved 🙂

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